Vermont Community Health Worker
Scope of Practice and Core Competencies
October 15, 2020
Overview of Process
Well-articulated scope of practice and competency guidelines for Community Health
Workers, as in other professions, can help to give the Community Health Worker field more
tools to guide education, practices and policies that impact the workforce across the
state. In the Fall of 2019, the Vermont Community Health Worker Workforce Development
Subcommittee performed a cross walk of roles and competencies from eight other states
(Massachusetts, Minnesota, Ohio, Arizona, Maryland, Indiana, Oregon, Kentucky, and
Texas), using the Community Health Worker Core Consensus (C3) Project as a
guide. Recommendations were submitted to the Vermont CHW Steering Committee for
further review and comment. The final scope of practice and core competency list
was included in the Vermont Community Health Worker Landscape Assessment, which
occurred in Summer 2020, to further assess the alignment in practice with the workforce.
Concepts Defined
Functions and/or purpose(s) that Community Health Workers serve in their communities,
their organization, and the health care system. For example, Community Health Workers, as
part of the healthcare team, provide health education.
An all-inclusive list of roles and tasks which an occupation includes in its scope of work. The
exact mix of these roles and tasks for any one individual will vary based on the individual
skills, experience/expertise, needs of those served and host organizations.
Core competencies identify behaviors and skills a Community Health Worker is expected to
learn and demonstrate to carry out the mission and goals of their profession. These core
competencies form career readiness and help guide a Community Health
Worker throughout his/her/their career to operate within his/her/their scope of practice. The
ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, and aptitude, to do something well. A core
role or a task that must be performed may be supported by multiple skills.
The Community Health Worker Core Consensus Project:
Scope of Practice
1. Bridging the Gap Between Individuals, Communities and the Health and Social Service
2. Providing Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Health Education and Information
3. Care Coordination and System Navigation
4. Case Management
5. Providing Health Coaching and Social Support
6. Advocating for Individuals and Communities
7. Building Individual and Community Capacity
8. Providing Direct Service
9. Conducting Individual and Community Assessments
10. Conducting Outreach
11. Participating in Evaluation and Research
Core Competencies
1. Communication Skills
2. Interpersonal and Relationship-Building Skills
3. Service Coordination and Navigation Skills
4. Capacity Building Skills
5. Advocacy Skills
6. Education and Facilitation/Coaching Skills
7. Individual and Community Assessment Skills
8. Outreach Skills
9. Legal, Ethical and Professional Skills and Conduct
10. Evaluation and Research Skills
11. Use of Public Health Concepts and Approaches
12. Cultural and Linguistic Competency