Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
arch 2019
Middle-level CTE Learning Experience Title: Career Goals in Health Sciences
Length of Lesson: 8 days (40 minute periods)
Grade Level: 7-8
CTE Area: Health Sciences
CTE Theme: Career and Community Opportunities
CTE Content: Health Science Career Pathways
Date Created: 8/27/2019
Curriculum Goal Students explore future career possibilities by identifying the knowledge, skills, education, and training necessary for success
within the health sciences field. Students examine data showing employment projections for health science careers. Students
analyze the data and consider careers that will have the greatest shortages. Students investigate job tasks and requirements
for positions in those health science careers. Students develop and present visuals to promote understanding of the careers
amongst their classmates.
Essential Question(s)
What knowledge and skills are necessary to demonstrate introductory understanding of the influences that societal,
economic, and technological changes have on employment?
What personal skills, abilities, and aptitudes are needed for success in health science careers?
National Standards Common Career Technical Core Standards
Career Ready Practices
1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee
4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason
10. Plan education and career paths aligned to personal goals
11. Use technology to enhance productivity
12. Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence
National Consortium for Health Science Education
Foundation Standard 2: Communications
Demonstrate methods of delivering and obtaining information, while communicating effectively
Foundation Standard 4 Employability Skills
Utilize employability skills to enhance employment opportunities and job satisfaction
Foundation Standard 8: Teamwork
Identify roles and responsibilities of individual members as part of the healthcare team
Foundation Standard 10: Technical Skills
Apply technical skills required for all career specialties and demonstrate skills and knowledge as appropriate
NYS Standards New York State Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Standards
Intermediate Level
Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
March 2019
Standard 1: Career Development
Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options, and relate personal skills,
aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions.
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Students will demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace and other
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in
the workplace.
Learning Objectives Career and Community Connections
3. Employability Skills
Students will
a) Identify personal characteristics such as abilities, interests, and values and examine how they might impact
career choices
b) Describe characteristics and behaviors that enable individuals to contribute to the success of a group in a
variety of community and work situations
c) List and describe employability skills and ways they benefit individuals in community and work situations
d) Demonstrate personal development of employability skills through practice of these skills in a variety of
classroom applications
4.Career Plans
Students will
a) Examine potential career choices to determine knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with each
b) Assess personal characteristics such as interests, abilities, and aptitudes in relation to characteristics
associated with careers of interest
Health Science Career Pathways
1. Health Science Pathways
Students will
d) Explore the health care settings for health career pathways, such as hospitals, ambulatory, long-term care,
home health care, medical dental, mental health, pharmacy, office, and clinic
e) Participate in classroom activities to identify personal interest, aptitude, and ability for skills required in
health science career pathways
2. Health Science Workplace Expectations
Students will
b) Compare and contrast the opportunities for individual initiative, teamwork, collaboration, and leadership
in health science careers
g) Tell how health science careers are interdependent (i.e., relate to one another)
Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
March 2019
Vocabulary Academic
Salary, job outlook, benefit to community, career
pathway, skill, ability, aptitude, interest
diagnostic services, health informatics, support services,
therapeutic services, biotechnology research and
development, hospitals, ambulatory, long-term care, home
health care, medical dental, mental health, pharmacy, office,
clinic, home health aide, nursing assistant, licensed practical
nurse, phlebotomist, physical therapy assistant, dental
assistant, health information technician, emergency medical
technician, medical assistant, surgical technician
Materials and Resources
Bureau of Labor and Statistics Healthcare Occupations Website (Day 1, 2, 3)
Guest speaker- teacher invited health care worker from the community (Day 1)
Exploring Careers Outline handout (attached) (Day 2-7)
The 10 Top Skills That Will Land You High-Paying Jobs by 2020, According to the World Economic Forum (Day 5)
Materials to make career visuals in electronic or physical formats (Day 6)
INSTRUCTION What will the teacher do? What will the students do? How much time for each activity?
Pre-assessment Day 1
Teacher writes the top 10 health
science career opportunities for CTE
grads according the Bureau of
Labor and Statistics on the board
1) Home health aide
2) Nursing assistant
3) Phlebotomist
4) Physical therapy assistant
5) Dental assistant
6) Health information technician
7) Emergency medical technician
8) Licensed practical nurse
9) Medical assistant
Day 1
Students get into groups of 2-3.
Groups discuss what they know about each
career field and jot that information down on a
sheet of paper.
Students choose two fields they would like to
research further individually.
Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
March 2019
10) Surgical technician
Teacher arranges students into
groups of 2-3 students per group
Do-now/Hook Day 1
Teacher invites a guest speaker to
class: community health care
worker. The career professional
discusses their career pathway-
knowledge, skills, abilities, and
employability skills. The guest
discusses the pros and cons of their
Day 1
Students listen and take notes about being an
employee in the health care field. Afterwards,
students have a small group discussion regarding
what they heard and how they think the
information relates to their lives.
Procedure for Instruction/
Learning Activities
Day 2
Teacher demonstrates how to
utilize the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Day 3
Teacher reviews the components of
the Bureau of Labor Statistics
re/home.htm) and reminds
students to truly consider fields in
which they are interested.
Day 2
Students explore one career from the two they
chose in the previous class.
Students make notes on the Exploring Careers
1) Responsibilities
2) Pathway to Career
3) Pay
4) Job Outlook
5) Benefit to the Community
6) State Data for NY
Additionally, students watch the video associated
with the career on the website and write a brief
summary outlining the most vital information.
Day 3
Students explore the second career from the
ones they chose on Day 1.
Students make notes on the Exploring Careers
1) Responsibilities
2) Pathway to Career
3) Pay
40 minutes
40 minutes
Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
March 2019
Day 4
Teachers assist students as they
complete their research
Day 5
Teacher places students in groups
of three and gives them access to
The 10 Top Skills That Will Land
You High-Paying Jobs by 2020,
According to the World Economic
Forum” available at
Day 6
Teacher places students in groups
of 3-4 based on their choices of the
most interesting career (from Day
4. )
Teacher assists students in group
work as needed.
4) Job Outlook
5) Benefit to the Community
6) State Data for NY
Additionally, students should watch the video
associated with the video and write a brief
summary outlining the most vital information.
Day 4
Students compare the two career fields they
chose to research and decide which of these
fields sound the most interesting to them and
Students write a reflection in their student
journal, outlining the positives of the field they
chose to be their favorite.
Students should share their reflections with
another member of the class.
Day 5
Students join their groups of three and together
read the article “The 10 Top Skills That Will Land
You High-Paying Jobs by 2020, According to the
World Economic Forum.”
They examine the ten World Forum’s
employability skills as listed in the article.
Students write a journal entry to describing how
each of the ten skills could be important in their
chosen field.
Day 6
Students will work in groups of 3-4 to make a
visual about their chosen career field.
The group's visual should include specific jobs,
educational requirements, settings, salaries,
outlook, and needed employability skills.
40 minutes
40 minutes
Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
March 2019
Day 7
Teacher places students in the
previous day’s group. The teacher
will ask each group to display their
visual for the class to examine.
Teacher asks one spokesperson
from each group to share the
researched information while all
other students in the class make
notes regarding what they
like/dislike about the career.
Day 8 (Closure)
Teacher reviews the steps to
creating career goals found on
Day 7
Students return to their Day 6 groups.
Each group of students will choose a
spokesperson to present their visual from Day 6.
While one group is presenting, all other students
should be jotting notes about what they
like/dislike about the career option being
At the end of all presentations, students will have
time to debrief with their group members.
Day 8
Students work to create individual steps to
reaching their career goals. Students will use the
information on
Plan/set-goals.aspx to examine SMART goals as
well as information from the presentation notes.
40 minutes
Students will be placed in groups as heterogeneously as possible. The teacher will monitor groups and differentiate
instruction, as necessary, to ensure that all students’ needs are met. All directives in student Individual Education Plan (IEP)
and 504 plans will be followed.
Closure Teacher reviews the steps to creating career goals found on https://www.careeronestop.org/ExploreCareers/Plan/set-
goals.aspx. Students work to create individual steps to reaching their career goals. Students will use the information on
https://www.careeronestop.org/ExploreCareers/Plan/set-goals.aspx to examine SMART goals as well as information from the
presentation notes.
College, Career, and Life
Readiness Skills
See below
Based on Middle-level Life/Career Rubrics available at
Performance Measure Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning
Analyzes Career
Analyzes career
opportunities to determine
requirements and compare
effectively with personal
strengths and skills to
identify matches and gaps.
Analyzes career
opportunities to determine
requirement and compare
effectively with personal
strengths and skills.
Identifies career opportunities
to determine requirements.
Unable to identify career
opportunities and determine if
personally interested.
Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
March 2019
Makes Connections
Between Work and
Needs of Community
Easily and accurately
describes how work products
and services benefit the
Describes how work
products and services
benefit the community.
See some connection in how
work products and services
benefit the community.
Fail to understand how work
products and services benefit the
Manages Time to
Complete Tasks by
Completes work ahead of
schedule by creating a plan
to finish early.
Completes work on time by
using time management
Completes work on time with
reminders and supervision.
Rarely completes work on time;
fails to use time management skills.
Seeks information on
Career Opportunities
Extensively uses a variety of
reliable sources and personal
networks to inquire and
locate information on career
Uses a variety of reliable
sources and personal
networks to inquire and
locate information on career
Makes limited use of reliable
sources and/or personal
networks to inquire and
locate information on career
Fails to use reliable sources and
personal networks to inquire and
locate information on career
Exploring Careers Outline (Day 2-7)
Exploring Careers
Name: Career Choice #1
Pathway to Career
Job Outlook
Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
March 2019
Benefit to the Community
State Data
Exploring Careers
Name: Career Choice #2
Pathway to Career
Job Outlook
Middle-level CTE
Learning Experience Template
March 2019
Benefit to the Community
State Data