6200 S. Quebec St. Greenwood Village, CO. 80111 | Phone 1-866-392-1860 | Fax 1-877-875-0981
Specialized Loan Servicing LLC NMLS ID 2168
Mortgage Loan Recast – Fact Sheet
Did you know you may be able to lower your monthly payment without the stress of refinancing?
You may qualify for the chance to lower your monthly payment by recasting, or “re-amortizing”, your current home
loan, avoiding the hassle and expense of refinancing.
How loan recasting works:
A recast is when you apply an additional sum of
money to substantially reduce the unpaid principal
balance of your loan, and as a result lower the
monthly payment. Recasting is simple:
If your loan qualifies, we will recalculate your
monthly payment based on the lower
principal balance, using the original terms
(interest rate and length of term) of your
mortgage loan
By re-amortizing the loan on the new loan
balance, your monthly payment will be lower
Is my loan eligible?
Below are a few of the eligibility requirements your
loan must meet in order to be reviewed to be re-
Principal reduction of at least $5,000 (over
and beyond the loan’s original amortization
Senior Lien (1
Conventional mortgage (FHA, VA, and Rural
Development loans are not eligible under
this program)
Current with no outstanding amounts due
No past due payments within the last 12
90 days after the mortgage closing date
90 days prior to any scheduled Adjustable
Rate payment changes
How to get started:
Simply complete, sign, and return the attached
Mortgage Loan Recast Application (all original signors
of the original Note must sign this application).
What happens next?
We will review your submitted Mortgage
Loan Recast Application to make sure you
If you qualify, you will receive a Mortgage
Loan Recast Agreement, which will include
your new monthly payment amount, within
15 days
You should then execute, notarize and return
the Mortgage Loan Recast Agreement, along
with the lump sum payment, and a one-time
recast fee of $500
Your new monthly mortgage payment
amount will begin on the effective date
specified on the Mortgage Loan Recast
Before requesting a loan recast, as a borrower,
you should consider your goals and options.
If your main goal is to reduce your monthly
payments rather than pay your loan off
faster, then a recast could be a good option
for you.
If your main goal is to limit the amount of
interest paid and pay off your loan sooner,
then a recast may not be a good fit for you.
Do not send funds for a Recast until you have received Confirmation of Eligibility for the program
and the written Recast Agreement.
6200 S. Quebec St. Greenwood Village, CO. 80111 | Phone 1-866-392-1860 | Fax 1-877-875-0981
Specialized Loan Servicing LLC NMLS ID 2168
Customer Information
Loan Number: ______________________
Borrower Name: __________________________ Co-Borrower Name: __________________________
Borrower Home Phone: _____________________ Co-Borrower Home Phone: _____________________
Borrower Cell Phone: _______________________ Co-Borrower Cell Phone: _______________________
Borrower Email: ___________________________ Co-Borrower email: ___________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Important Message: It may be necessary for us to contact you regarding your mortgage account via email, text,
and/or auto-dialer.
Do you authorize us to contact you using the above listed information regarding your mortgage
[ ]
Yes, I authorize
[ ] No, I do not authorize
Principal Curtailment Information
If you have already made additional principal reductions (curtailments), please indicate the amount and the date you
remitted the funds for your curtailment payment to us in the spaces below:
Principal Curtailment Amount: $________________ (Minimum $5,000) Principal Curtailment Date: ___/___/___
Periodic principal curtailments have been made on various dates totaling $________________ (Minimum $5,000)
If you have NOT already made a principal curtailment payment, please indicate the payment amount you
intend to
remit in the spaces below:
Principal Curtailment Amount: $______________ (Minimum $5,000) Principal Curtailment Date: ___/___/___
(Must be within 30 days of application date)
Submit your completed application to:
Attn: Special Loans/Recast
P.O. Box 636005
Littleton, CO 80163-6005
Or Email
Customer Attestation:
I certify, acknowledge, and agree the following:
1. I have read and understand the contents of the Mortgage Loan Recast Fact Sheet.
2. I understand that submission of this request does not guarantee I will be approved for a Recast.
3. If approved, and I have not already made a principal curtailment, I understand I must provide my lump sum
payment, my one-time recast fee of $500, along with my executed and notarized Mortgage Loan Recast
Agreement in order to process the Recast.
4. If approved, and I have already made the required principal curtailments, I understand I must provide my
one-time recast fee of $500, along with my executed and notarized Mortgage Loan Recast Agreement in
order to process the Recast.
Note: If the lump sum payment is returned for any reason, the Mortgage Loan Recast Agreement shall be null and
void and the loan will revert to the prior terms. In addition, the loan will be ineligible for a Recast during the next 12
Borrower signature: __________________________________ Date: ______/______/______
Co-Borrower signature: __________________________________ Date: ______/______/______