John P. Besselman
Senior Legal Instructor
Law enforcement students often ask
the question “can I search a locked
container?” A better question to ask may be
“when can I search a locked container?” The
fact that a container is locked may not
increase the possessor-owner’s expectation
of privacy but does limit the law
enforcement officer’s access to the secured
area. The ability to search a locked container
will depend on the justification the law
enforcement officer has for intruding into
the area. The purpose of this article is to
examine the different legal avenues a law
enforcement officer can use to search locked
The Supreme Court has expressed a
strong preference that law enforcement
officers obtain a search warrant before
conducting a search of any kind. Searching a
locked container is no different.
confusion that surrounds the decision to
search a locked container begins when the
officer is considering a warrantless search of
that container.
The Supreme Court has authorized
warrantless searches in several
circumstances. Automobile searches,
searching those lawfully arrested, Terry
frisks, inventories and consensual searches
are some areas the Supreme Court has
permitted government intrusion without a
warrant. Under what circumstances may a
law enforcement officer intrude into a
U.S. v. Chadwick, 433 U.S. 1 (1977)
locked container without prior judicial
approval? Let us examine these warrant
exceptions one at a time.
In Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 88
S.Ct. 1868 (1968), the Supreme Court
justified the frisk. A frisk allows the law
enforcement officer to pat the outer clothing
of persons that the officer has reason to
suspect are armed and dangerous. The
justification for the frisk is to allow to
officer to take “steps to assure himself that
the person with whom he is dealing is not
armed with a weapon that could
unexpectedly and fatally be used against
him.” In a subsequent decision, the Supreme
Court expanded the frisk to include those
areas within the immediate control of the
suspect. Michigan v. Long, 463 U.S. 1032,
103 S.Ct. 3469 (1983).
While a law enforcement officer may
frisk persons and the areas under their
control pursuant to the Terry and Long
decisions, this does not mean the officer can
intrude into a locked container encountered
during a frisk. The purpose of the frisk is to
allow the officer to act if he has a reasonable
“belief that his safety or that of others was in
danger,” Terry, see id, at 27. In neutralizing
the threat of physical harm the officer must
also consider the privacy protections
afforded the suspect. If the officer can
preserve safety without intruding into a
locked container, the law will insist on that
The government cannot successfully
argue that a law enforcement officer must
intrude into a locked container to prevent the
immediate retrieval of a weapon. The time
required by the suspect to unlock the
container and retrieve a weapon would allow
the officer adequate time to preserve his
safety through other means. The purpose of
a frisk is to secure weapons that might
become used by the suspect during a face-
to-face encounter. Courts have been
reluctant to extend this intrusion, based on
something less than probable cause, to find
items that the suspect may only get to
through great difficulty. During a Terry stop,
law enforcement officers are entitled to take
measures designed to preserve their safety
that does not require unnecessary intrusions.
For instance, if the suspect is holding a
locked container, the law enforcement
officer would be justified in separating the
suspect from the container. The action
preserves the officer’s safety yet requires no
intrusion. If the suspect is standing near a
locked container, such as the trunk of an
automobile, the officer can reposition the
suspect. Of course, the officer may always
ask for the person’s consent to open the
container. When conducting a Terry frisk,
the officer should look for alternative ways
to protect him or herself against the contents
of a locked container but he or she may not
force open the container.
The Supreme Court has long held
that searching the persons of those that law
enforcement officers have arrested is
reasonable. This search also includes the
areas under their immediate control and is
designed to secure weapons, means of
escape and evidence. Chimel v. California,
395 U.S. 752 (1969). The scope of the
search is limited to those areas in which the
arrestee might gain possession of such
items. Does this allow the officer to search
the arrestee’s locked container, such as a
briefcase? While the Supreme Court has
never directly held that such a search is
reasonable, several circuit courts have
interpreted Supreme Court cases to reach
this conclusion.
In New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454
(1981), the Supreme Court set out the
parameters for a lawful search of an
automobile incident to arrest in which the
arrested person was found. The Court held
that the interior of the automobile, including
containers found therein, are within the
immediate control of the arrestee. Its
definition of a container “includes closed or
open glove compartments, consoles, or other
receptacles located anywhere within the
passenger compartment, as well as luggage,
boxes, bags, clothing, and the like.”
Several courts have interpreted this
definition to include locked containers, such
as luggage and glove boxes. In U.S. v.
Tavolacci, 895 F.2d 1423 (D.C. Cir. 1990)
the court applied the Belton rule in
permitting an officer to open a locked bag
that was in the immediate control of the
arrestee. The court in U.S. v. Gonzales, 71
F.3d 819 (11th Cir. 1996), stated that the
Belton rule allowed searches incident to
arrest to include glove boxes, locked or
unlocked. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals,
in U.S. v. Valiant, 873 F.2d 205 (8th Cir.
1989) stated that “(t)he search occurred
incident to that arrest. Because the locked
briefcase was a closed container within that
vehicle, it lawfully could be searched.”
Using these cases as a basis for
interpretation, the courts appear to be
heading in the direction of allowing any
container found in the immediate control of
the arrestee to be searched. Whether the
arrestee could immediately reach the
container to obtain a weapon, a means of
escape, or destroy evidence, seems
The Supreme Court has recognized
the need for law enforcement personnel to
inventory property for which they have
taken into their custody.
The three reasons
for permitting inventory searches are for the
protection of the owner’s property while it
remains in government custody, the
protection of the government officials from
disputes over lost or stolen property, and the
protection of government officials from
danger. The purpose of the inventory search
must be to meet one of these concerns and
cannot be a pretext to search for evidence.
If the government officials follow standard
procedures related to the three reasons
permitting inventory searches, these
searches are reasonable within the meaning
of the Fourth Amendment.
In Florida v. Wells, 495 U.S. (1990),
the Supreme Court considered the issue of
whether a law enforcement officer may
force open a locked container to inventory
its contents. The Court examined the
discretion permitted an officer engaged in an
inventory search. It held that discretion to
open “closed” containers is acceptable if
such discretion is based on standards related
to preserving property or avoiding
unnecessary danger. If the government has
designed the standardized policy to
maximizing the discovery of evidence of
criminal activity, the policy is flawed. The
Supreme Court allows an officer sufficient
latitude in determining whether a particular
container should be opened. If the agency
produced a policy that allowed officers the
leeway to inventory “closed” containers,
such an intrusion would be permissible.
It is logical to assume that if the
agency produced a standardized policy
regarding locked containers, the same
principle would allow the officer to
inventory the contents of those containers.
Many courts have considered the issue of
South Dakota v. Opperman, 428 U.S. 364 (1976)
Colorado v. Bertine, 479 U.S. 367 (1987)
whether an officer may inventory the
contents of the locked trunk of a vehicle.
Without fail, if the officer is conducting the
inventory pursuant to a standard agency
policy to secure property or avoiding safety
hazards, the inventory was permissible.
In a
case on point, United States v. Como, 53
F.3d 87 (5th Cir. 1995), the Fifth Circuit
Court of Appeals considered an agency
inventory policy that gave the officer the
authority to inventory the contents of a
locked container. In upholding the policy,
the circuit court found the intent of the
inventory policy was to protect property and
therefore, the authority was a reasonable
application of the inventory search principle.
In the monumental case of Carroll
v. United States, 267 U.S. 132 (1925) the
Supreme Court found that a warrantless
search of an automobile was reasonable if it
was based on probable cause. In Carroll,
law enforcement officers ripped up the
upholstery of the defendant’s automobile
after they developed probable cause that he
was transporting bootleg alcohol. The
Supreme Court held that this search was
reasonable, even without a warrant, because
of the inherent mobility associated with
Today, the automobile exception to
the Fourth Amendment’s warrant
requirement is well known. Yet does the
exception allow law enforcement officers to
open locked containers found while engaged
in a lawful mobile conveyance search?
United States v. Velarde, 903 F.2d 1163 (7th Cir.
1990); United States v. Duncan, 763 F.2d 220 (6th
Cir. 1985); United States v. Como, 53 F.3d 87 (5th
Cir. 1995); United States v. Martin, 566 F.2d 1143
(10th Cir. 1977).
Based on the many cases decided since the
Carroll decision, the answer is yes.
The Carroll case itself dealt with the
destruction of the defendant’s property. To
find the evidence sought, the officers had to
rip into the automobile’s upholstery, which
is even more intrusive than a search of a
locked container. Nonetheless, the Supreme
Court found the search to be reasonable
within the meaning of the Fourth
In United States v. Ross, 456 U.S.
798 (1982), the Supreme Court interpreted
its prior holdings
to mean that if the law
enforcement officer had probable cause to
conduct a warrantless search of a vehicle on
the side of the road, the officer may also
conduct an immediate and warrantless
search of the contents of that vehicle. The
officer would not need to secure the
container and obtain a warrant. The Court
also explained that if an officer is
conducting a lawful Carroll search, he or
she may conduct that search as if they had a
search warrant issued by a magistrate.
Obviously, a law enforcement officer could
open a locked container with a search
warrant if the container could hold the item
The Ross Court said “(t)he scope of a
warrantless search of an automobile thus is
not defined by the nature of the container in
which the contraband is secreted. Rather, it
is defined by the object of the search and the
places in which there is probable cause to
believe that it may be found.” This is also a
clear indication that the Court would affirm
a warrantless automobile search of a locked
container found therein. Otherwise, the
Supreme Court would not have drawn
The Supreme Court’s primary focus was on the re-
emphasis of its holding in Chambers v. Maroney, 399
U.S. 42 (1970).
attention to the fact that the nature of the
container itself was irrelevant to the
reasonableness of the search. In sum, the
Ross majority opinion stated “(i)f probable
cause justifies the search of a lawfully
stopped vehicle, it justifies the search of
every part of the vehicle and its contents that
may conceal the object of the search
(emphasis added).”
In California v. Acevedo, 500 U.S.
565 (1991), the Supreme Court reaffirmed
its opinion in Ross by stating that if an
officer has probable cause to conduct a
warrantless search of an automobile, he or
she may also conduct a warrantless search of
any containers found therein that may
contain the item sought. In reviewing its
decision in Carroll, the Court reasoned that
if the destruction of the interior of the
automobile was reasonable, then looking
inside a closed container was reasonable.
Logically, opening a locked container would
be no more unreasonable than destroying the
interior of an automobile.
The government has the burden of
establishing the voluntariness of consent.
When a law enforcement officer conducts a
search pursuant to a suspect’s consent, the
objective standard of reasonableness
determines the parameters of that consent
what would the consenter have understood
the limits to the search were based on the
exchange between the suspect and the law
enforcement officer.
As this question
relates to a locked container, the law
enforcement officer must establish that the
suspect consented to a search of the locked
In Florida v. Jimeno, 500 U.S. 248
(1991) the Supreme Court held that the
Illinois v. Rodriguez, 497 U.S. 177 (1990)
Fourth Amendment is satisfied when it is
objectively reasonable for the officer to
believe that the scope of the suspect’s
consent permitted a particular container to
be opened. Expressed language typically
defines the scope of the consent search. The
Court noted that it “is very likely
unreasonable to think that a suspect, by
consenting to the search of his trunk, has
agreed to the breaking open of a locked
briefcase within the trunk.” However, if an
officer can reasonably conclude that the
suspect has granted consent to search a
particular container, the search is reasonable
within the meaning of the Fourth
Without a direct exchange
concerning a locked container, establishing
consent to enter it is not easy. For instance,
in United States v. Strickland, 902 F.2d 937
(11th Cir. 1990), the court had to consider
whether a law enforcement officer was
justified in slashing the suspect’s spare tire
found in his trunk after obtaining a general
consent to search the auto’s contents. The
officer stated “I want you to understand that
I would like to search the entire contents of
your automobile . . . if you want to sit down,
that’s fine with me, to get out of the cold but
I want you to understand that I would like to
search the entire contents of your car.” The
suspect responded, “That’s fine.” Based on
this exchange, the officer ordered the spare
tire slashed open and evidence was found
inside. The 11th Circuit did not find this
search to be within the parameters set out in
what the suspect understood the scope of the
search to be. The court held that is it not
reasonable to conclude that a person agreed
to the destruction of their property by
consenting to a search of its contents.
Believing that a person gives
permission to destroy their property when
they grant a general consent to search their
property is unreasonable. Therefore, when
an officer obtains a general consent to
search the suspect’s property, he or she may
not damage or destroy a locked container
discovered through that search. Specific
consent to open that container should be
obtained from the suspect.
We have looked at several legal
principles that may or may not allow
government intrusion into locked containers.
The central feature of this question is to
understand why the officer is intruding into
protected areas. The law enforcement officer
should always remember that the courts will
look upon any search conducted without a
warrant with suspicion. Oftentimes, the law
enforcement officer can dismiss these issues
by simply obtaining a valid consent to
conduct the search. When a warrant or
consent is not obtainable there are few
justifications for opening a locked container.
These justifications are limited to containers
encountered during a mobile conveyance
(Carroll) search, an inventory search and
those within an arrestee’s immediate control.
Otherwise, it is probably best to refrain from
opening the locked container.