BMES Policy BS/MS Accelerated Degree Ver.7
Effective 9-07-15
Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees (BS/MS) program
For the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
This report establishes the policy for the combined bachelor’s and master’s (BS/MS) degrees
program for the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems at Drexel University as
approved by the faculty on Thursday, July 27, 2006 and updated September 7, 2015. The policy
maintains two distinct pathways for undergraduates to obtain the combined bachelor’s and master’s
(BS/MS) degrees from the school: 1) an Advanced Courses option and 2) a Research option. This policy
acknowledges the diversity of avenues open to BS/MS degree holders in the biomedical engineering field,
some of which benefit from research, some of which benefit from advanced course work.
General University BS/MS (5-Year + Graduate Accelerated Program-Co-terminal Degree)
Drexel University undergraduate students that desire to participate in the BS/MS program must
apply directly to the participating academic unit of their choice. The general university BS/MS program
eligibility requires the applicant to complete at least 90 credits and no more than 120 credits, and achieve
a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (although some programs have higher standards). The applicant must
complete a BS/MS application form (available through the Drexel University Graduate College) and
obtain the required approval of departmental and university administrators. Subsequently, the student
must complete the specific requirements for the combined BS and MS degrees as stipulated by the
participating academic unit. Only 5-year, 3-COOP program students may participate in the BS/MS
program. Students are required to complete the first two COOP assignments; the third and last COOP
assignment is optional.
Effective immediately, this policy (v.7 effective 9-07-15) covers the entering class of September 7, 2015.
Entering classes prior to September 7, 2015 are still covered by the previous policy (v.6 effective 7-27-
06). The BS/MS program for the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems has two
curricular paths with the conditions and requirements as stated below.
I. Advanced Courses option (Non-thesis MS degree) All selected BS/MS program
applicants will be automatically placed in the Advanced Courses option.
a. Advanced Courses option admission requirements:
i. must be an undergraduate in biomedical engineering at Drexel University in a
5-year, 3-COOP program of study. (The Advanced Courses option is only open
to undergraduates in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and
Health Systems)
ii. must plan to study for the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering.
iii. have completed at least 90 credits and a recommended maximum of 120 credits
iv. have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.4.
v. submission of the BS/MS program application form with appropriate
BMES Policy BS/MS Accelerated Degree Ver.7
Effective 9-07-15
vi. submission of a plan of study for both undergraduate and graduate courses
approved by an academic advisor.
vii. The completed BS/MS program application is provisionally approved by the
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems and is
forwarded for final approval by the Drexel University Graduate College.
b. Advanced Courses option completion requirements:
i. complete at least 225 total credits that meet ABET standards encompassing a
minimum of 180 undergraduate credits and a minimum of 45 graduate course
credits which may not include research credits.
ii. complete the senior design course sequence.
iii. maintain a minimum cumulative GPA no lower than 3.2.
iv. complete at least two COOP assignments; the third and last COOP assignment
is optional.
II. Research option (thesis-required MS degree) Students accepted to the Biomedical
Engineering BS/MS program may petition the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science
and Health Systems for permission to participate in the Research option of the BS/MS
a. Research option admission requirements:
i. must be admitted to either the Biomedical Engineering BS/MS program or the
BS/MS program in another engineering discipline at Drexel University (only
the Research option is open to students pursuing a BME master’s degree
combined with an undergraduate engineering degree that is not biomedical
ii. have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.4.
iii. submission of the petition no later than April 1st of the junior year (missing
this deadline may result in limiting the student to the Advanced Courses
iv. The petition must include:
1. a plan of study for both undergraduate and graduate courses approved
by an academic advisor,
2. a summary research plan incorporating an ABET-qualified design
component for the master’s degree approved by a research advisor and
an academic advisor,
3. a completed BS/MS research petition form.
v. If the petition is not submitted or is not accepted, the BME student defaults to
the Advanced Courses option.
vi. The petition to participate in the Research option of the Biomedical
Engineering BS/MS program will be given final approval by the School of
Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems.
b. Research option completion requirements:
i. complete at least 225 total credits encompassing a minimum of 180
undergraduate credits, and a minimum of 45 graduate credits. The 45 graduate
credits may include either:
1. a maximum of 6 research credits or,
BMES Policy BS/MS Accelerated Degree Ver.7
Effective 9-07-15
2. a maximum of 6 credits applied to senior design.
ii. maintain a GPA no lower than 3.2.
iii. complete at least two COOP assignments; a third and last COOP assignment is
iv. submit a written research thesis manuscript approved by a faculty examining
committee incorporating an ABET-qualified design component. (The faculty
examining committee must maintain a three-member minimum including at
least two School of Biomedical Engineering faculty with credentials as
specified by Drexel University policy)
v. complete a public oral defense of the thesis approved by a faculty examining
c. Alternative Research option completion requirements:
i. Research option students may complete the senior design course sequence
concurrent to their MS thesis research, however, it is not a requirement. A
maximum of 6 credits of the required 45 graduate credits for the Research
option may be applied to the senior design course sequence in place of research
credit. This condition of concurrently conducting senior design and the research
thesis must be approved by the research advisor and the academic advisor.
ii. As a contingency option provided for exigent circumstances only, Research
option students may satisfy the master’s degree requirement of the BS/MS
program by achieving a publication in a qualified, refereed journal as the first
author. This achievement precludes a faculty examining committee, a written
thesis manuscript and a public defense of the research. The student must seek
and receive formal approval of this option from their research advisor and the
the School of Biomedical Engineering.
BMES Policy BS/MS Accelerated Degree Ver.7
Effective 9-07-15
III. Withdrawal from the BS/MS program
a. BS/MS students may withdraw from the program at any time and continue their studies
for a bachelor’s degree insofar as they comply with the curriculum requirements for the
bachelor’s degree which includes the senior design component.
b. Students must meet with an academic advisor to record the withdrawal process.
c. Disclaimer: withdrawal from the BS/MS program after registering for and completing
graduate level courses at the undergraduate cost may incur a financial penalty from the
university administration. Drexel University and the School of Biomedical
Engineering, Science and Health Systems are not responsible for financial damages
resultant from this consequence of the students decision.
IV. BS/MS Program completion extended beyond the designated graduation date
a. BS/MS students who do not finish the program by their designated graduation date
must complete the program within 12 months of the original graduation date.
b. They may complete their originally planned research thesis for the MS degree as
approved by a faculty examining committee or,
c. take the senior design course sequence and additional coursework to achieve 45
graduate credits (which may not include research course credits) for a non-thesis MS
degree or,
d. achieve a publication in a refereed journal as the first author for their MS degree. This
achievement precludes a faculty examining committee, a written thesis manuscript and
a public defense of the research. The publication must be formally approved by the
research advisor and the academic advisor, or
e. default to a bachelor’s degree only if they have completed the requisite bachelor’s
degree curriculum including the senior design component, but have not completed the
master’s degree component.
f. Extended BS/MS students who do not complete at least one of these options can not be
awarded their bachelor’s nor master’s degree, and will have their academic status
inactivated after the 12 month, post-graduation date deadline. Subsequently, they must
follow the policy procedures for re-instatement.
BMES Policy BS/MS Accelerated Degree Ver.7
Effective 9-07-15
V. Transitional plan of action for current BS/MS students in the School of Biomedical
Engineering, Science and Health Systems (This plan of action only applies to the student
body present at the time of this policy instatement)
a. Students entering prior to September 7, 2015 must follow the BS/MS program as
stipulated by the prior BS/MS policy (v.6 effective 7-27-06).
b. Students entering after September 7, 2015 must comply with the new policy as
written in this document, noting the following changes in particular:
i. Their cumulative GPA must be 3.4 or higher for admission to the program.
ii. Their cumulative GPA must be no lower than 3.2 to remain eligible for the
c. Students provisionally accepted to the BS/MS program through the university
admissions process must follow the new policy as written. They are expected to
complete the application and planning process and will enter the Advanced Courses
option (non-thesis) with the opportunity to petition for the Research option (thesis).
Provisional BS/MS students are not allowed to drop their last required COOP
assignment until they are officially admitted to the BS/MS program through the formal
application process.