Catal og
School of
Biomedical Engineering,
Science and Health Systems
Table of Contents
The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems .............................................................................................................................. 2
Biomedical Engineering ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Biomedical Engineering BS / Biomedical Engineering MS ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Index ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
2 The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
The School of
Biomedical Engineering,
Science and Health
Mission Statement
The mission of the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and
Health Systems is to promote health and quality of life through education,
research and innovation that integrates engineering and life sciences in a
global context.
The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems
(http://drexel.edu/biomed/) is a nationally recognized center for
research in biomedical engineering and science offering multi-
disciplinary instruction on a full- and part-time basis at the graduate and
undergraduate levels.
The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems
offers a bachelor of science program in biomedical engineering with a
choice of five concentration areas: biomaterials and tissue engineering,
biomechanics and human performance engineering, biomedical
informatics, biomedical devices and imaging, and neuroengineering.
Biomedical Engineering (BSBE) (p. 3)
Accelerated Degree Programs
NEW: Biomedical Engineering BSBE / Biomedical Engineering MSBE
About the School
The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems
(http://drexel.edu/biomed/) (formerly the Biomedical Engineering and
Science Institute, founded in 1961) is a leader in biomedical engineering
and biomedical science research and education. The undergraduate
program was inaugurated in September 1998 and has steadily grown to
attract the highest ability students at the University. The undergraduate
biomedical engineering curriculum is accredited by the Engineering
Accreditation Commission of ABET (http://www.abet.org).
The School's academic thrust areas, both in research and education, are
at the forefront of biosensing, bioimaging, bioinformation engineering and
integrated bioinformatics, drug delivery, biomedical ultrasound & optics,
bionanotechnology, cellular tissue engineering, neuroengineering and
human performance. Emerging initiatives include skin bioengineering
and pediatric engineering. Various departments at Drexel University
offer courses that are suited for students in biomedical engineering and
biomedical science. The School's curriculum complements the strengths
of the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business, Engineering, Computing
& Informatics, Law, Medicine, and Nursing. As a whole, the curriculum
offers the advanced knowledge needed for industrial careers, health
professions, graduate research or careers in highly specialized fields such
as pre-professional health (medical, dental, and veterinary) and pre-law.
The marriage of technology with biology and medicine drives the 21st
Century industrial enterprise. Consistent with this mission, the School
strives for clinical and industrial relevance in our academic pursuits,
and also maintains a strong entrepreneurship program in biomedical
technologies. The School's alliance with regional economic development
agencies and corporations together with advisors from business
development, legal, and investment communities sustains the growth of
this program. The students and faculty of the School are committed to
move their discoveries from laboratories to clinical practice or home use.
The success of the Translational Research in Biomedical Technologies
program has been recognized and funded regionally as well as nationally.
The School has experienced remarkable growth in recent years thanks to
our outstanding research portfolio, high quality and innovative graduate
and undergraduate programs, and our multidisciplinary approach to
education and research. Another competitive advantage is the unique
free-standing university-level administrative structure with its own tenure-
track faculty lines, budget and space. This helps transcend the traditional
organizational boundaries of engineering, sciences and medicine. The
School's independence allows the pursuit of growth and collaborations
in various disciplines and its structure provides agility to reconfigure
and reorganize in response to emerging opportunities. The University
Strategic Plan recognizes our School of Biomedical Engineering, Science
and Health Systems as “Drexel’s prototype of academic integration. ”
Metropolitan Philadelphia has one of the nation’s highest concentrations
of medical institutions and pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device
and systems industry. The School has forged strategic partnerships
with select universities, research institutes, health care institutions and
industries in the region. The School enjoys a close working relationship
with our Drexel College of Medicine as well as alliances with prominent
medical institutions in the region to develop joint research and educational
programs. These include the University of Pennsylvania, Thomas
Jefferson University, the Fox Chase Cancer Center and the Wistar
Institute. These collaborative initiatives provide students with ample
opportunities in basic and clinical research as well as innovative academic
Co-operative Education
Co-op and career opportunities available to students include employment
in the medical device, equipment, and systems industry; the biomaterial
and implant industry; the pharmaceutical industry; the biotechnology and
agricultural industry; the telemedicine and tele-health industry; health
care; medical and clinical information and management systems; and
biomedical technology transfer. Preprofessional options available in the
academic programs of the School prepare students for admission to
schools of medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. Students may
also choose to continue their education at the graduate level to prepare
for careers in research and development in biomedical engineering and
Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center (http://
www.drexel.edu/scdc/) page for more detailed information on co-op and
post-graduate opportunities.
Special Programs
Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Dual Degree
The Accelerated BS/MS degree program provides opportunities for
strongly motivated students with high ability to progress toward their
educational goals at an accelerated pace. The program makes it possible
for top engineering students to obtain both a bachelor's and master's
Drexel University - (UG) The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems 3
degree in the same time period that it takes most Drexel students to
obtain a bachelor's degree.
Preprofessional Programs
Students who want to prepare for admission to schools of medicine,
dentistry, or veterinary medicine have the option to pursue a pre-medical
curriculum, including the BS/MD and early assurance programs at the
Drexel College of Medicine. Students obtain professional counseling and
assistance from the Office of Preprofessional Programs, 215-895-2437.
University Honors
Students in the Biomedical Engineering program may apply for admission
to the University Honors Program. Admission depends on superior
academic performance at Drexel and may be approved after a personal
interview with the Honors Committee.
BME Learning Community
The mission of the Biomedical Engineering Learning Community (BLC)
is to promote a dynamic and collaborative environment by forming a
close-knit community living together on the same floor in Millennium
Hall. Members of the BLC are not only housed together, but also attend
classes together, participate in team building activities, and attend various
academic and social events. These events and activities actively promote
academic success and a sense of community among students. BLC
students will build life-long friendships, networking connections, and make
lasting college memories.
Study Abroad Programs
The School enjoys a robust association and participation in the Drexel
University Study Abroad Program. Multiple programs afford the BME
student an opportunity to travel and experience new places and cultures
in ways that fit their objectives.
Free standing programs are designed specifically for study abroad
purposes. Courses are taken by students from Drexel and other American
universities. Because the programs are catered specifically for study
abroad students (rather than local students), courses usually include field
trips and site visits to utilize the city as an integral part of the learning
experience. Some programs only have a select list of courses while others
have more extensive courses available.
Intensive Courses Abroad (ICAs) offer the opportunity to have an
international academic experience in a short period of time (generally 7
- 10 days during break weeks). ICAs are normally led by a Drexel faculty
director, in conjunction with an on campus course before and/or after the
tour. They include activities such as guest lectures, industry visits, and
other hands on events that transform the city into a living laboratory. The
Drexel BME program regards the study abroad experience as a significant
part of becoming a global leader in the field
Biomedical Engineering
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (BSBE)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Total Credit Hours: 187.5
Co-op Options: Three Co-op (Five years); One Co-op (Four years)
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0501
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2031
About the Program
Biomedical Engineering is an innovative multidisciplinary Bachelor of
Science degree program. It prepares students to conceive, design, and
develop devices and systems that improve human health and quality
of life. Biomedical engineering is the convergence of life sciences with
engineering. From child car seats and football helmets to drug-delivery
systems, minimally invasive surgery, and noninvasive imaging technology,
the work of the biomedical engineer makes a difference in everyone’s life.
This program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission
of ABET: www.abet.org (http://www.abet.org)
The undergraduate Biomedical Engineering curriculum is designed to
strike a balance between academic breadth in biomedical engineering and
specialization in an area of concentration. Each concentration has its own
degree requirements for graduation and its own plan of study:
Tissue Engineering
Biomechanics and Human Performance Engineering
Biomedical Informatics
Biomedical Imaging
The degree program provides innovative experiences in hands-on
experimentation and engineering design, as well as opportunities for
personal growth and development of leadership and communication skills.
Working with a faculty advisor, students can select their core and
elective courses from the curricula offered by the School of Biomedical
Engineering, Science and Health Systems and the Departments of
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Chemical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical
and Computer Engineering, and the College of Computing & Informatics.
Additional Information
More information about the School’s undergraduate program can be found
at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Sciences and Health Systems'
Academic Program (http://drexel.edu/biomed/academics/undergraduate-
programs/) webpage.
Students are also encouraged to contact the School's director for student
Caryn Glaser
Director of Student Services
School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
Career and professional counseling is provided independently by
the student's professional academic advisors and faculty advisors.
Information regarding undergraduate professional academic advisors
is available on the School's Undergraduate Advising (http://drexel.edu/
biomed/resources/current-undergraduate/advising/) webpage.
Program Educational Objectives
PEO - Graduates Whose Careers Effectively Leverage Their
Education in Biomedical Engineering
4 Biomedical Engineering
As a result, graduates will be able to recognize and/or create
opportunities, adjust to new conditions, and take advantage of
opportunities across multiple boundaries: disciplinary, geographic, social
and cultural. Graduates may demonstrate success through professional/
personal recognition and/or advancement.
PEO - Graduates Competent to Obtain Additional Knowledge and/or
As a result, graduates will continue to learn and enhance their skills
through professional development and/or research activities. Graduates
may use this new knowledge and/or additional skills to enhance current
activities or move in a new direction. Graduates may also pursue further
education in the form of graduate and professional degrees.
PEO - Graduates Who Make Contributions in Research, Innovation,
Design and/or Technological Development.
As a result, graduates will make significant or meaningful contributions in
their chosen fields either through publications and/or presentations, the
development of a product or process, obtaining patents for new products
and/or processes, or other evidence of contributing to the advancement
of knowledge, particularly in fields integrating engineering and the life
PEO - Graduates Who Contribute to Their Communities
As a result, graduates will work independently and in diverse groups
to effectively and efficiently achieve personal and organizational goals,
manage projects, foster collaborative effort among co-workers, mentor
individuals within the organization or in the community, engage in
community or public service, create a product or process that fills a social
need, and/or participate in educating individuals about an issue of societal
PEO - Graduates Who Practice Ethical Reasoning, Behavior, and
As a result, graduates will work in the global environment respecting
cultural and social differences, managing risk and accepting responsibility,
and adhering to the professional codes of conduct appropriate to his or
her field of study and/or practice.
Student Learning Outcomes
By participating in the Biomedical Engineering undergraduate curriculum
at the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems
and graduating with the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Biomedical
Engineering from Drexel University, students will be able to:
Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by
applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified
needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well
as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
Communicate effectively with a range of audiences
Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering
situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the
impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental,
and societal contexts
Function effectively on a team whose members together provide
leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and
interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
Acquire and apply new knowledge, as needed, using appropriate
learning strategies
Apply knowledge and skills gained from a program of study to the
achievement of goals in a work, clinical, or other professional setting
Core Courses
BIO 122 Cells and Genetics 4.5
BIO 201 Human Physiology I 4.0
BIO 218 Principles of Molecular Biology 4.0
BMES 101 Introduction to BMES Design I: Defining Medical Problems 2.0
BMES 102 Introduction to BMES Design II: Evaluating Design Solutions 2.0
BMES 124 Biomedical Engineering Freshman Seminar I 2.0
BMES 201 Programming and Modeling for Biomedical Engineers I 3.0
BMES 202 Programming and Modeling for Biomedical Engineers ll 3.0
MEM 238 Dynamics 4.0
BMES 241 Modeling in Biomedical Design I 2.0
BMES 302 Laboratory II: Biomeasurements 2.0
BMES 303 Laboratory III: Biomedical Electronics 2.0
BMES 310 Biomedical Statistics 4.0
BMES 315 Experimental Design in Biomedical Research 4.0
BMES 337 Introduction to Physiological Control Systems 3.0
BMES 338 Biomedical Ethics and Law 3.0
BMES 341 Modeling in Biomedical Design II 2.0
BMES 345 Mechanics of Biological Systems 3.0
BMES 375 Computational Bioengineering 4.0
BMES 381 Junior Design Seminar I 2.0
BMES 382 Junior Design Seminar II 2.0
BMES 432 Biomedical Systems and Signals 3.0
BMES 444 Biofluid Mechanics 3.0
BMES 451 Transport Phenomena in Living Systems 4.0
BMES 491 [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
BMES 492 Senior Design Project II 2.0
BMES 493 Senior Design Project III 3.0
CHEM 101 General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II 4.5
CHEM 253 Thermodynamics and Kinetics 3.0-4.0
or ENGR 210 Introduction to Thermodynamics
CIVC 101 Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
ECE 201 Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
or ENGL 111 English Composition I
ENGL 102 Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and
Evidence-Based Writing
or ENGL 112 English Composition II
ENGL 103 Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
or ENGL 113 English Composition III
ENGR 220 Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
MATH 121 Calculus I 4.0
MATH 122 Calculus II 4.0
MATH 200 Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 201 Linear Algebra 4.0
MATH 210 Differential Equations 4.0
MEM 202 Statics 3.0
PHYS 101 Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
UNIV R101 The Drexel Experience 1.0
COOP 101 Career Management and Professional Development 1.0
Bioscience Elective: Choose any BIO course, 200-level or higher 3.0
Bioscience Restricted Elective: Choose 1 3.0
Drexel University - (UG) The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems 5
BIO 203 Human Physiology II
BIO 214 Principles of Cell Biology
BIO 224 Form, Function & Evolution of Vertebrates
BIO 244 Genetics I
BIO 311 Biochemistry
General Studies Electives (5) * 15.0
Laboratory Electives: Choose 2 4.0
BIO 202 Human Physiology Laboratory
BIO 215 Techniques in Cell Biology
BIO 219 [WI] Techniques in Molecular Biology
BIO 306 Biochemistry Laboratory
BMES 301 Laboratory I: Experimental Biomechanics
BMES 304 Laboratory IV: Ultrasound Images
BMES 305 Laboratory V: Musculoskeletal Anatomy for Biomedical
BMES 485 Brain Computer Interface Laboratory
HSCI 305 Laboratory V: Musculoskeletal Anatomy for Biomedical
CHEM 244 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 245 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Concentration Requirements and STEM Electives 21.0
Concentration Required Courses (3)
STEM Electives (up to the 21 credit total)**
Total Credits 187.5-188.5
General studies electives include all liberal arts electives plus
additional subjects, such as business, which do not fall under the
subject areas of science, math or engineering. See the Biomedical
Engineering General Studies List (https://drexel.edu/biomed/
resources/current-undergraduate/general-studies/) for approved
courses. A certain number of General Studies credits are required for
graduation with this major.
STEM electives include courses offered by the School of Biomedical
Engineering, Science and Health Systems, as well as, select science,
technology, and math courses from other academic units. See the
Biomedical Engineering STEM Elective List (https://drexel.edu/
biomed/resources/current-undergraduate/) for approved courses.
Concentration Course Requirements
Students must select one concentration and complete the listed required
courses. The student also needs to take additional STEM electives, as
described above. The credit total of the concentration required courses
and the STEM electives must be at least 21.0 credits.
CHEM 241 Organic Chemistry I (* P/R for BMES 460) 4.0
BMES 460 Biomaterials I 4.0
BMES 461 Biomaterials II 4.0
Total Credits 12.0
MEM 201 Foundations of Computer Aided Design 3.0
BMES 441 Biomechanics I: Introduction to Biomechanics 4.0
BMES 442 Biomechanics II: Musculoskeletal Modeling and Human
Total Credits 11.0
Biomedical Imaging
PHYS 201 Fundamentals of Physics III
BMES 421 Biomedical Imaging Systems I: Images 4.0
BMES 422 Biomedical Imaging Systems II: Ultrasound 4.0
Total Credits 12.0
PHYS 201 is a pre-req for BMES 421.
Biomedical Informatics
BIO 219 [WI] Techniques in Molecular Biology 3.0
BMES 483 Quantitative Systems Biology 4.0
BMES 484 Genome Information Engineering 4.0
Total Credits 11.0
BIO 462 Biology of Neuron Function
BMES 477 Neuroengineering I: Neural Signals 3.0
BMES 478 Neuroengineering II: Principles of Neuroengineering 3.0
Total Credits 9.0
BIO 462 is a pre-req for BMES 477.
Tissue Engineering
BIO 219 [WI] Techniques in Molecular Biology
BMES 471 Cellular and Molecular Foundations of Tissue Engineering 4.0
BMES 472 Developmental and Evolutionary Foundations of Tissue
Total Credits 11.0
BIO 219 [WI] is a pre-req for BMES 471.
Writing-Intensive Course Requirements
In order to graduate, all students must pass three writing-intensive
courses after their freshman year. Two writing-intensive courses must
be in a student's major. The third can be in any discipline. Students are
advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the
sophomore year, and to avoid “clustering” these courses near the end
of their matriculation. Transfer students need to meet with an academic
advisor to review the number of writing-intensive courses required to
A "WI" next to a course in this catalog may indicate that this course
can fulfill a writing-intensive requirement. For the most up-to-date list of
writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Writing
Intensive Course List (http://drexel.edu/coas/academics/departments-
courses/) at the University Writing Program (http://drexel.edu/coas/
program/). (http://drexel.edu/coas/academics/departments-centers/
Students scheduling their courses can also conduct a search for courses
with the attribute "WI" to bring up a list of all writing-intensive courses
available that term.
Sample Plan of Study
4 year, 1 co-op
Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter,
spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
year) and major.
First Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 101 2.0 BMES 102 2.0 BIO 122 4.5 VACATION
BMES 124 2.0 CHEM 102 4.5 BMES 201 3.0
6 Biomedical Engineering
CHEM 101 3.5 ENGL 102
or 112
3.0 COOP 101
CIVC 101 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGL 103
or 113
ENGL 101
or 111
3.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
MATH 121 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
UNIV R101 1.0
16.5 17.5 19.5 0
Second Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 202 3.0 BIO 218 4.0 BIO 201 4.0 BMES 303 2.0
ECE 201 4.0 BMES 338 3.0 BMES 345 3.0 BMES 310 4.0
ENGR 220 4.0 BMES 241 2.0 BMES 375 4.0 BMES 341 2.0
MATH 201 4.0 MATH 210 4.0 BMES 432 3.0 BMES 451 4.0
MEM 202 3.0 MEM 238 4.0 CHEM 253
3.0-4.0 Bioscience
18 17 17-18 15
Third Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 315 4.0 BMES 302 2.0 COOP
BMES 381 2.0 BMES 337 3.0
6.0 BMES 382 2.0
BMES 444 3.0
12 16 0 0
Fourth Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
BMES 491 3.0 BMES 492 2.0 BMES 493 3.0
3.0 Concentration
3.0 General
3.0 General
3.0 STEM
2.0 Lab
3.0 STEM
14 13 12
Total Credits 187.5-188.5
COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned
and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be
eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.
5 year, 3 co-ops
Co-op cycles may vary. Students are assigned a co-op cycle (fall/winter,
spring/summer, summer-only) based on their co-op program (4-year, 5-
year) and major.
First Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 101 2.0 BMES 102 2.0 BIO 122 4.5 VACATION
BMES 124 2.0 CHEM 102 4.5 BMES 201 3.0
CHEM 101 3.5 ENGL 102
or 112
3.0 COOP 101
CIVC 101 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGL 103
or 113
ENGL 101
or 111
3.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
MATH 121 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
UNIV R101 1.0
16.5 17.5 19.5 0
Second Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 202 3.0 BIO 218 4.0 COOP
ECE 201 4.0 BMES 338 3.0
ENGR 220 4.0 BMES 241 2.0
MATH 201 4.0 MATH 210 4.0
MEM 202 3.0 MEM 238 4.0
18 17 0 0
Third Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BIO 201 4.0 BMES 303 2.0 COOP
BMES 345 3.0 BMES 310 4.0
BMES 375 4.0 BMES 341 2.0
BMES 432 3.0 BMES 451 4.0
CHEM 253
3.0-4.0 Bioscience
17-18 15 0 0
Fourth Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 315 4.0 BMES 302 2.0 COOP
BMES 381 2.0 BMES 382 2.0
6.0 BMES 337 3.0
BMES 444 3.0
12 16 0 0
Fifth Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
BMES 491 3.0 BMES 492 2.0 BMES 493 3.0
3.0 Concentration
3.0 General
3.0 General
3.0 STEM
2.0 Lab
3.0 STEM
14 13 12
Total Credits 187.5-188.5
COOP 101 registration is determined by the co-op cycle assigned
and may be scheduled in a different term. Select students may be
eligible to take COOP 001 in place of COOP 101.
Drexel University - (UG) The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems 7
Co-op/Career Opportunities
Metropolitan Philadelphia has one of the highest concentrations of
medical institutions and pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in
the nation. The Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering
gives students access to a broad spectrum of career opportunities in
medical device and equipment industry, prosthetics and assist devices
industry, biomaterials and implants industry, and the telemedicine,
pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and agricultural sectors.
Biomedical Engineering graduates are also ideally prepared for
professional education in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and
law. Those who choose to pursue graduate education can aim for careers
in research and development, biomedical technology innovation, and
transfer, as well as healthcare technology management.
Visit the Drexel Steinbright Career Development Center (http://
www.drexel.edu/scdc/) page for more detailed information on co-op and
post-graduate opportunities.
Biomedical Engineering, Science and
Health Systems Faculty
Fred D. Allen, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Education. . Teaching Professor. Tissue engineering,
cell engineering, orthopedics, bone remodeling, wound healing,
mechanotransduction, signal transduction, adhesion, migration.
Hasan Ayaz, PhD (Drexel University) School of Biomedical Engineering,
Science and Health Systems. Associate Professor. Optical brain imaging,
cognitive neuroengineering, brain computer interface (BCI), functional ner
infrared (fNIR), and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).
Sriram Balasubramanian, PhD (Wayne State University). Assistant
Professor. Structural characteristics of the pediatric thoracic cage using
CT scans and developing an age-equivalent animal model for pediatric
long bones.
Kenneth A. Barbee, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) Senior Associate
Dean, Associate Dean for Research. Professor. Cellular biomechanics
of neural and vascular injury, mechanotransduction in the cardiovascular
system, mechanical control of growth and development for wound healing
and tissue engineering.
Paul Brandt-Rauf, MD, DrPH (Columbia University) Dean. Distinguished
University Professor. Environmental health, particularly the molecular
biology and molecular epidemiology of environmental carcinogenesis, and
protein engineering for the development of novel peptide therapies for the
treatment and prevention of cancer.
Donald Buerk, PhD (Northwestern University). Research Professor.
Biotechnology, physiology, systems biology, blood flow, microcirculation,
nitric oxide, oxygen transport
Jamie Dougherty, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Teaching Professor.
Brain-computer interface, neural encoding, electrophysiological signal
acquisition and processing.
Lin Han, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Associate
Professor. Nanoscale structure-property relationships of biological
materials, genetic and molecular origins soft joint tissue diseases,
biomaterials under extreme conditions, coupling between stimulus-
responsiveness and geometry.
Kurtulus Izzetoglu, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Research
Professor. Cognitive neuroengineering, functional brain imaging, near
infrared spectroscopy, medical sensor development, biomedical signal
processing, human performance assessment, and cognitive aging
Andres Kriete, PhD (University in Bremen Germany) Associate Dean
of Academic Affairs. Teaching Professor. Systems biology, bioimaging,
control theory, biology of aging.
Steven Kurtz, PhD (Cornell University). Part-time Research Professor.
Computational biomechanics of bone-implant systems and impact-related
injuries, orthopaedic biomechanics, contact mechanics, orthopaedic
biomaterials, large-deformation mechanical behavior and wear of
polymers, and degradation and crosslinking of polyolefins in implant
Peter Lewin, PhD (University of Denmark, Copenhagen-Lyngby) Richard
B. Beard Professor, School Of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health
Systems. Professor. Biomedical ultrasonics, piezoelectric and polymer
transducers and hydrophones; shock wave sensors.
Hualou Liang, PhD (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Professor.
Neuroengineering, neuroinformatics, cognitive and computational
neuroscience, neural data analysis and computational modeling,
biomedical signal processing.
Donald L. McEachron, PhD (University of California at San Diego)
Coordinator, Academic Assessment and Improvement. Teaching
Professor. Animal behavior, autoradiography, biological rhythms, cerebral
metabolism, evolutionary theory, image processing, neuroendocrinology.
Banu Onaral, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) H.H. Sun Professor;
Senior Advisor to the President, Global Partnerships. Professor.
Biomedical signal processing; complexity and scaling in biomedical
signals and systems.
Kambiz Pourrezaei, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic University). Professor.
Thin film technology; nanotechnology; near infrared imaging; power
Christopher Rodell, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Assistant
Professor. Biomaterials, supramolecular chemistry, and drug delivery.
Therapeutic applications including the etiology of disease, organ injury,
cardiovascular engineering, immune engineering, and biomedical
Ahmet Sacan, PhD (Middle East Technical University). Associate
Teaching Professor. Indexing and data mining in biological databases;
protein sequence and structure; similarity search; protein structure
modeling; protein-protein interaction; automated cell tracking.
Joseph J. Sarver, PhD (Drexel University). Teaching Professor.
Neuromuscular adaptation to changes in the myo-mechanical
Mark E. Schafer, PhD (Drexel University). Research Professor.
Diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical ultrasound.
Patricia A. Shewokis, PhD (University of Georgia). Professor. Roles of
cognition and motor function during motor skill learning; role of information
feedback frequency on the memory of motor skills, noninvasive neural
imaging techniques of functional near infrared spectroscopy(fNIRS) and
electroencephalography (EEG) and methodology and research design.
8 Biomedical Engineering BS / Biomedical Engineering MS
Adrian C. Shieh, PhD (Rice University). Associate Teaching Professor.
Contribution of mechanical forces to tumor invasion and metastasis,
with a particular emphasis on how biomechanical signals may drive the
invasive switch, and how the biomechanical microenvironment interacts
with cytokine signaling and the extracellular matrix to influence tumor and
stromal cell behavior.
Wan Y. Shih, PhD (Ohio State University). Professor. Piezoelectric
microcantilever biosensors development, piezoelectric finger
development, quantum dots development, tissue elasticity imaging,
piezoelectric microcantilever force probes.
Kara Spiller, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Professor. Macrophage-
biometerial interactions, drug delivery systems, and chronic would
healing. Cell-biomaterial interactions, biomaterial design, and international
engineering education.
Marek Swoboda, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Teaching Professor.
Cardiovascular engineering, cardiovascular system, diagnostic devices in
cardiology, piezoelectric biosensors, and pathogen detection.
Amy Throckmorton, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor.
Computational and experimental fluid dynamics; cardiovascular modeling,
including transient, fluid-structure interaction, and patient-specific
anatomical studies; bench-to-bedside development of medical devices;
artificial organs research; prediction and quantification of blood trauma
and thrombosis in medical devices; design of therapeutic alternatives
for patients with dysfunctional single ventricle physiology; human factors
engineering of mechanical circulatory assist devices
Bhandawat Vikas, PhD (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine). Associate
Professor. Sensorimotor integration, whole-cell patch clamp and imaging
in behaving animals, optogenetics, neuromechanics, locomotion.
Margaret Wheatley, PhD (University of Toronto) John M. Reid Professor.
Ultrasound contrast agent development (tumor targeting and triggered
drug delivery), controlled release technology (bioactive compounds),
microencapsulated allografts (ex vivo gene therapy) for spinal cord repair.
Ming Xiao, PhD (Baylor University). Associate Professor.
Nanotechnology, single molecule detection, single molecule fluorescent
imaging, genomics, genetics, genome mapping, DNA sequencing, DNA
biochemistry, and biophysics.
Yinghui Zhong, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Assistant
Professor. Spinal cord repair, and engineering neural prosthesis/brain
interface using biomaterials, drug delivery, and stem cell therapy.
Leonid Zubkov, PhD, DSc (St. Petersburg State University, Russia).
Research Professor. Physiology, wound healing, physiologic
neovascularization, near-infrared spectroscopy, optical tomography,
histological techniques, computer-assisted diagnosis, infrared
spectrophotometry, physiologic monitoring, experimental diabetes
mellitus, penetrating wounds, diabetes complications, skin, animal
models, radiation scattering, failure analysis
Catherin von Reyn, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Assistant
Professor. Cell type-specific genetic engineering, whole-cell patch clamp
in behaving animals, modeling, and detailed behavioral analysis to identify
and characterize sensorimotor circuits.
Emeritus Faculty
Dov Jaron, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) Calhoun Distinguished
Professor of Engineering in Medicine. Professor Emeritus. Mathematical,
computer and electromechanical simulations of the cardiovascular
Rahamim Seliktar, PhD (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow). Professor
Emeritus. Limb prostheses, biomechanics of human motion, orthopedic
Hun H. Sun, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Biological
control systems, physiological modeling, systems analysis.
Biomedical Engineering BS /
Biomedical Engineering MS
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (BSBE)
and Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (MSBE)
Calendar Type: Quarter
Total Credit Hours: 228.5
Co-op Options: Three Co-ops (Five years)
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code: 14.0501
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code: 17-2031
About the Program
The Biomedical Engineering BS/MS dual degree is an accelerated
program providing the academically qualified student an opportunity
to simultaneously earn both BS and MS degrees (two diplomas are
awarded) in the biomedical engineering program areas of his/her/their
choice in five years, the time normally required to finish a bachelor's
degree alone.
The program combines the practical work experience of Drexel
undergraduate cooperative education with the graduate credentials of an
advanced degree. With both an undergraduate and graduate degree and
practical work experience, BS/MS graduates enter the work force with
specialized knowledge and training.
Admission Requirements
In addition to meeting the University requirements, students applying into
the Biomedical BS/MS program must:
Be an undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering in the 5 year, 3 co-op
plan of study
Have an approved plan to study that includes master's degree in
Biomedical Engineering
Have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.4
For those interested in pursuing a MS thesis, there is an additional
Students must submit a research petition no later than April 1 of junior
*If the petition is not submitted or accepted, the student will not be able to
pursue a thesis option
Degree Requirements
Core Courses
BIO 122 Cells and Genetics 4.5
BIO 201 Human Physiology I 4.0
BIO 218 Principles of Molecular Biology 4.0
BMES 101 Introduction to BMES Design I: Defining Medical Problems 2.0
Drexel University - (UG) The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems 9
BMES 102 Introduction to BMES Design II: Evaluating Design Solutions 2.0
BMES 124 Biomedical Engineering Freshman Seminar I 2.0
BMES 201 Programming and Modeling for Biomedical Engineers I 3.0
BMES 202 Programming and Modeling for Biomedical Engineers ll 3.0
BMES 241 Modeling in Biomedical Design I 2.0
BMES 302 Laboratory II: Biomeasurements 2.0
BMES 303 Laboratory III: Biomedical Electronics 2.0
BMES 310 Biomedical Statistics 4.0
BMES 315 Experimental Design in Biomedical Research 4.0
BMES 337 Introduction to Physiological Control Systems 3.0
BMES 338 Biomedical Ethics and Law 3.0
BMES 341 Modeling in Biomedical Design II 2.0
BMES 345 Mechanics of Biological Systems 3.0
BMES 375 Computational Bioengineering 4.0
BMES 381 Junior Design Seminar I 2.0
BMES 382 Junior Design Seminar II 2.0
BMES 432 Biomedical Systems and Signals 3.0
BMES 444 Biofluid Mechanics 3.0
BMES 451 Transport Phenomena in Living Systems 4.0
BMES 491 [WI] Senior Design Project I 3.0
BMES 492 Senior Design Project II 2.0
BMES 493 Senior Design Project III 3.0
CHEM 101 General Chemistry I 3.5
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II 4.5
CHEM 253 Thermodynamics and Kinetics 4.0
or ENGR 210 Introduction to Thermodynamics
CIVC 101 Introduction to Civic Engagement 1.0
COOP 101 Career Management and Professional Development 1.0
ECE 201 Foundations of Electric Circuits I 4.0
ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research 3.0
ENGL 102 Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and
Evidence-Based Writing
ENGL 103 Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres 3.0
ENGR 220 Fundamentals of Materials 4.0
MATH 121 Calculus I 4.0
MATH 122 Calculus II 4.0
MATH 200 Multivariate Calculus 4.0
MATH 201 Linear Algebra 4.0
MATH 210 Differential Equations 4.0
MEM 202 Statics 3.0
MEM 238 Dynamics 4.0
PHYS 101 Fundamentals of Physics I 4.0
PHYS 102 Fundamentals of Physics II 4.0
UNIV R101 The Drexel Experience 1.0
Bioscience Elective: Choose any BIO course (200-level or higher) 3.0
Bioscience Restricted Elective (Choose 1) 3.0
BIO 203 Human Physiology II
BIO 214 Principles of Cell Biology
BIO 224 Form, Function & Evolution of Vertebrates
BIO 311 Biochemistry
General Studies Electives (Choose 5)
Laboratory Electives (Choose 2) 4.0
BIO 202 Human Physiology Laboratory
BIO 215 Techniques in Cell Biology
BIO 219 [WI] Techniques in Molecular Biology
BIO 306 Biochemistry Laboratory
BMES 301 Laboratory I: Experimental Biomechanics
BMES 304 Laboratory IV: Ultrasound Images
BMES 305 Laboratory V: Musculoskeletal Anatomy for Biomedical
BMES 485 Brain Computer Interface Laboratory
HSCI 305 Laboratory V: Musculoskeletal Anatomy for Biomedical
Concentration Requirements and STEM Electives (22 credits total; 6 of which are
satisfied by GR SEM electives)
Concentration Required Courses (3 Courses)
STEM Electives (9 - 12 credits depending on concentration) (Graduate SEM
electives satifies 6 credits of UG STEM electives)
Graduate Core Courses
BMES 501 Medical Sciences I 3.0
BMES 502 Medical Sciences II 3.0
BMES 510 Biomedical Statistics 4.0
BMES 538 Biomedical Ethics and Law 3.0
BMES 550 Advanced Biocomputational Languages 4.0
or BMES 546 Biocomputational Languages
Modeling Intensive Courses (choose 2) 6.0
BMES 611 Biological Control Systems
BMES 651 Transport Phenomena in Living Systems I
BMES 672 Biosimulation I
BMES 673 Biosimulation II
BMES 677 Mathematical Modeling of Cellular Behavior
BMES 678 Biocomputational Modeling and Simulation
BMES 710 Neural Signals
BMES Electives (Can include up to 9.0 credit of Thesis) 16.0
BMES 503 Medical Sciences III
BMES 508 Cardiovascular Engineering
BMES 509 Entrepreneurship for Biomedical Engineering and Science
BMES 515 Experimental Design in Biomedical Research
BMES 517 Intermediate Biostatistics
BMES 518 Interpretation of Biomedical Data
BMES 524 Introduction to Biosensors
BMES 528 Pediatric Engineering I
BMES 529 Pediatric Engineering II
BMES 531 Chronobioengineering I
BMES 532 Chronobioengineering II
BMES 534 Design Thinking for Biomedical Engineers
BMES 535 Introduction to Product Design for Biomedical Engineers
BMES 541 Nano and Molecular Mechanics of Biological Materials
BMES 543 Quantitative Systems Biology
BMES 544 Genome Information Engineering
BMES 548 Structural Bioinformatics and Drug Design
BMES 549 Genomic and Sequencing Technologies
BMES 551 Biomedical Signal Processing
BMES 588 Medical Device Development
BMES 604 Pharmacogenomics
BMES 611 Biological Control Systems
BMES 621 Medical Imaging Systems I
BMES 622 Medical Imaging Systems II
BMES 623 Medical Imaging Systems III
BMES 631 Tissue Engineering I
BMES 632 Tissue Engineering II
BMES 651 Transport Phenomena in Living Systems I
BMES 660 Biomaterials I
BMES 661 Biomaterials II
BMES 672 Biosimulation I
BMES 673 Biosimulation II
BMES 675 Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering III
BMES 677 Mathematical Modeling of Cellular Behavior
BMES 678 Biocomputational Modeling and Simulation
BMES 685 Experimental Methods in Neuroengineering
BMES 710 Neural Signals
BMES 711 Principles in Neuroengineering
BMES 722 Neural Aspects of Posture and Locomotion I
10 Biomedical Engineering BS / Biomedical Engineering MS
BMES 725 Neural Networks
BMES 821 Medical Instrumentation
BMES 822 Medical Instrumentation II
BMES 825 Hospital Administration
Science, Engineering, and Medicine Electives (Satisfies both UG and GR degree
Thesis Option
BMES 897 Research
BMES 898 Master's Thesis
Total Credits 228.5
General studies electives include all liberal arts electives plus
additional subjects, such as business, which do not fall under the
subject areas of science, math or engineering. See the Biomedical
Engineering General Studies List (https://drexel.edu/biomed/
resources/current-undergraduate/general-studies/) for approved
courses. A certain number of General Studies credits are required for
graduation with this major.
STEM electives include courses offered by the School of Biomedical
Engineering, Science and Health Systems, as well as, select science,
technology, and math courses from other academic units. See
the Biomedical Engineering STEM Elective List (https://drexel.edu/
biomed/resources/current-undergraduate/) for approved courses.
Science, engineering, and medicine electives may include graduate-
level courses from appropriate disciplines and departments, including
Biomedical Engineering. Please consult with your graduate advisor
when formulating your plan of study and choosing electives.
Up to 9.0 credits of research and thesis credits may be applied
toward the MS degree requirements. The research for the thesis may
include work carried out during an internship.
Concentration Requirements
Students must select one concentration and complete the listed required
courses. The student also needs to take additional STEM electives, as
described above. The credit total of the concentration required courses
and the STEM electives must be at least 22.0 credits.
Biomaterials Required Courses
BMES 460 Biomaterials I
(term 10)
BMES 461 Biomaterials II
(term 11)
CHEM 241 Organic Chemistry I 4.0
Total Credits 12.0
Biomechanics Required Courses
BMES 441 Biomechanics I: Introduction to Biomechanics
(term 10)
BMES 442 Biomechanics II: Musculoskeletal Modeling and Human
(term 11)
MEM 201 Foundations of Computer Aided Design 3.0
Total Credits 11.0
Biomedical Imaging Required Courses
BMES 421 Biomedical Imaging Systems I: Images
(term 10)
BMES 422 Biomedical Imaging Systems II: Ultrasound
(term 11)
PHYS 201 Fundamentals of Physics III 4.0
Total Credits 12.0
Biomedical Informatics Required Courses
BIO 219 [WI] Techniques in Molecular Biology 3.0
BMES 483 Quantitative Systems Biology
(term 11)
BMES 484 Genome Information Engineering
(term 12)
Total Credits 11.0
Neuroengineering Required Courses
BIO 462 Biology of Neuron Function 3.0
BMES 477 Neuroengineering I: Neural Signals
(term 11)
BMES 478 Neuroengineering II: Principles of Neuroengineering
(term 12)
Total Credits 9.0
Tissue Engineering Required Courses
BIO 219 [WI] Techniques in Molecular Biology 3.0
BMES 471 Cellular and Molecular Foundations of Tissue Engineering
BMES 472 Developmental and Evolutionary Foundations of Tissue
(term 11)
Total Credits 11.0
Writing-Intensive Course Requirements
In order to graduate, all students must pass three writing-intensive
courses after their freshman year. Two writing-intensive courses must
be in a student's major. The third can be in any discipline. Students are
advised to take one writing-intensive class each year, beginning with the
sophomore year, and to avoid “clustering” these courses near the end
of their matriculation. Transfer students need to meet with an academic
advisor to review the number of writing-intensive courses required to
A "WI" next to a course in this catalog may indicate that this course
can fulfill a writing-intensive requirement. For the most up-to-date list of
writing-intensive courses being offered, students should check the Writing
Intensive Course List (http://drexel.edu/coas/academics/departments-
courses/) at the University Writing Program (http://drexel.edu/coas/
program/). (http://drexel.edu/coas/academics/departments-centers/
Students scheduling their courses can also conduct a search for courses
with the attribute "WI" to bring up a list of all writing-intensive courses
available that term.
Sample Plan of Study
First Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 101 2.0 BMES 102 2.0 BIO 122 4.5 VACATION
BMES 124 2.0 CHEM 102 4.5 BMES 201 3.0
CHEM 101 3.5 ENGL 102
or 112
3.0 COOP 101 1.0
CIVC 101 1.0 MATH 122 4.0 ENGL 103
or 113
ENGL 101
or 111
3.0 PHYS 101 4.0 MATH 200 4.0
MATH 121 4.0 PHYS 102 4.0
UNIV R101 1.0
16.5 17.5 19.5 0
Second Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 202 3.0 BIO 218 4.0 COOP
ECE 201 4.0 MEM 238 4.0
ENGR 220 4.0 BMES 241 2.0
MATH 201 4.0 BMES 338 3.0
MEM 202 3.0 MATH 210 4.0
Drexel University - (UG) The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems 11
18 20 0 0
Third Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BIO 201 4.0 BMES 303 2.0 COOP
BMES 345 3.0 BMES 310 4.0
BMES 375 4.0 BMES 341 2.0
BMES 432 3.0 BMES 451 4.0
CHEM 253
4.0 (UG)
200+ level
or higher
2.0 (UG)
BMES 538 3.0
20 20 0 0
Fourth Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits Summer Credits
BMES 315 4.0 BMES 302 2.0 COOP
BMES 381 2.0 BMES 337 3.0
6.0 BMES 382 2.0
BMES 550 4.0 BMES 444 3.0
BMES 510 4.0 (UG)
20 20 0 0
Fifth Year
Fall Credits Winter Credits Spring Credits
BMES 491 3.0 BMES 492 2.0 BMES 493 3.0
3.0 (UG)
3.0 (UG) Gen
(UG) Gen
3.0 (UG) Gen
3.0 (GR) SEM
Elective /
3.0 (UG)
4.0 (GR) SEM
Elective /
BMES 501 3.0 BMES 502 3.0 (GR)
4.0 (GR)
4.0 (GR)
19 19 19
Total Credits 228.5
GR credits shared with BSE program.
Biomedical Engineering, Science and
Health Systems Faculty
Fred D. Allen, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Education. . Teaching Professor. Tissue engineering,
cell engineering, orthopedics, bone remodeling, wound healing,
mechanotransduction, signal transduction, adhesion, migration.
Hasan Ayaz, PhD (Drexel University) School of Biomedical Engineering,
Science and Health Systems. Associate Professor. Optical brain imaging,
cognitive neuroengineering, brain computer interface (BCI), functional ner
infrared (fNIR), and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).
Sriram Balasubramanian, PhD (Wayne State University). Assistant
Professor. Structural characteristics of the pediatric thoracic cage using
CT scans and developing an age-equivalent animal model for pediatric
long bones.
Kenneth A. Barbee, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) Senior Associate
Dean, Associate Dean for Research. Professor. Cellular biomechanics
of neural and vascular injury, mechanotransduction in the cardiovascular
system, mechanical control of growth and development for wound healing
and tissue engineering.
Paul Brandt-Rauf, MD, DrPH (Columbia University) Dean. Distinguished
University Professor. Environmental health, particularly the molecular
biology and molecular epidemiology of environmental carcinogenesis, and
protein engineering for the development of novel peptide therapies for the
treatment and prevention of cancer.
Donald Buerk, PhD (Northwestern University). Research Professor.
Biotechnology, physiology, systems biology, blood flow, microcirculation,
nitric oxide, oxygen transport
Jamie Dougherty, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Teaching Professor.
Brain-computer interface, neural encoding, electrophysiological signal
acquisition and processing.
Lin Han, PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Associate
Professor. Nanoscale structure-property relationships of biological
materials, genetic and molecular origins soft joint tissue diseases,
biomaterials under extreme conditions, coupling between stimulus-
responsiveness and geometry.
Kurtulus Izzetoglu, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Research
Professor. Cognitive neuroengineering, functional brain imaging, near
infrared spectroscopy, medical sensor development, biomedical signal
processing, human performance assessment, and cognitive aging
Andres Kriete, PhD (University in Bremen Germany) Associate Dean
of Academic Affairs. Teaching Professor. Systems biology, bioimaging,
control theory, biology of aging.
Steven Kurtz, PhD (Cornell University). Part-time Research Professor.
Computational biomechanics of bone-implant systems and impact-related
injuries, orthopaedic biomechanics, contact mechanics, orthopaedic
biomaterials, large-deformation mechanical behavior and wear of
12 Biomedical Engineering BS / Biomedical Engineering MS
polymers, and degradation and crosslinking of polyolefins in implant
Peter Lewin, PhD (University of Denmark, Copenhagen-Lyngby) Richard
B. Beard Professor, School Of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health
Systems. Professor. Biomedical ultrasonics, piezoelectric and polymer
transducers and hydrophones; shock wave sensors.
Hualou Liang, PhD (Chinese Academy of Sciences). Professor.
Neuroengineering, neuroinformatics, cognitive and computational
neuroscience, neural data analysis and computational modeling,
biomedical signal processing.
Donald L. McEachron, PhD (University of California at San Diego)
Coordinator, Academic Assessment and Improvement. Teaching
Professor. Animal behavior, autoradiography, biological rhythms, cerebral
metabolism, evolutionary theory, image processing, neuroendocrinology.
Banu Onaral, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) H.H. Sun Professor;
Senior Advisor to the President, Global Partnerships. Professor.
Biomedical signal processing; complexity and scaling in biomedical
signals and systems.
Kambiz Pourrezaei, PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic University). Professor.
Thin film technology; nanotechnology; near infrared imaging; power
Christopher Rodell, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Assistant
Professor. Biomaterials, supramolecular chemistry, and drug delivery.
Therapeutic applications including the etiology of disease, organ injury,
cardiovascular engineering, immune engineering, and biomedical
Ahmet Sacan, PhD (Middle East Technical University). Associate
Teaching Professor. Indexing and data mining in biological databases;
protein sequence and structure; similarity search; protein structure
modeling; protein-protein interaction; automated cell tracking.
Joseph J. Sarver, PhD (Drexel University). Teaching Professor.
Neuromuscular adaptation to changes in the myo-mechanical
Mark E. Schafer, PhD (Drexel University). Research Professor.
Diagnostic, therapeutic, and surgical ultrasound.
Patricia A. Shewokis, PhD (University of Georgia). Professor. Roles of
cognition and motor function during motor skill learning; role of information
feedback frequency on the memory of motor skills, noninvasive neural
imaging techniques of functional near infrared spectroscopy(fNIRS) and
electroencephalography (EEG) and methodology and research design.
Adrian C. Shieh, PhD (Rice University). Associate Teaching Professor.
Contribution of mechanical forces to tumor invasion and metastasis,
with a particular emphasis on how biomechanical signals may drive the
invasive switch, and how the biomechanical microenvironment interacts
with cytokine signaling and the extracellular matrix to influence tumor and
stromal cell behavior.
Wan Y. Shih, PhD (Ohio State University). Professor. Piezoelectric
microcantilever biosensors development, piezoelectric finger
development, quantum dots development, tissue elasticity imaging,
piezoelectric microcantilever force probes.
Kara Spiller, PhD (Drexel University). Associate Professor. Macrophage-
biometerial interactions, drug delivery systems, and chronic would
healing. Cell-biomaterial interactions, biomaterial design, and international
engineering education.
Marek Swoboda, PhD (Drexel University). Assistant Teaching Professor.
Cardiovascular engineering, cardiovascular system, diagnostic devices in
cardiology, piezoelectric biosensors, and pathogen detection.
Amy Throckmorton, PhD (University of Virginia). Associate Professor.
Computational and experimental fluid dynamics; cardiovascular modeling,
including transient, fluid-structure interaction, and patient-specific
anatomical studies; bench-to-bedside development of medical devices;
artificial organs research; prediction and quantification of blood trauma
and thrombosis in medical devices; design of therapeutic alternatives
for patients with dysfunctional single ventricle physiology; human factors
engineering of mechanical circulatory assist devices
Bhandawat Vikas, PhD (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine). Associate
Professor. Sensorimotor integration, whole-cell patch clamp and imaging
in behaving animals, optogenetics, neuromechanics, locomotion.
Margaret Wheatley, PhD (University of Toronto) John M. Reid Professor.
Ultrasound contrast agent development (tumor targeting and triggered
drug delivery), controlled release technology (bioactive compounds),
microencapsulated allografts (ex vivo gene therapy) for spinal cord repair.
Ming Xiao, PhD (Baylor University). Associate Professor.
Nanotechnology, single molecule detection, single molecule fluorescent
imaging, genomics, genetics, genome mapping, DNA sequencing, DNA
biochemistry, and biophysics.
Yinghui Zhong, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology). Assistant
Professor. Spinal cord repair, and engineering neural prosthesis/brain
interface using biomaterials, drug delivery, and stem cell therapy.
Leonid Zubkov, PhD, DSc (St. Petersburg State University, Russia).
Research Professor. Physiology, wound healing, physiologic
neovascularization, near-infrared spectroscopy, optical tomography,
histological techniques, computer-assisted diagnosis, infrared
spectrophotometry, physiologic monitoring, experimental diabetes
mellitus, penetrating wounds, diabetes complications, skin, animal
models, radiation scattering, failure analysis
Catherin von Reyn, PhD (University of Pennsylvania). Assistant
Professor. Cell type-specific genetic engineering, whole-cell patch clamp
in behaving animals, modeling, and detailed behavioral analysis to identify
and characterize sensorimotor circuits.
Emeritus Faculty
Dov Jaron, PhD (University of Pennsylvania) Calhoun Distinguished
Professor of Engineering in Medicine. Professor Emeritus. Mathematical,
computer and electromechanical simulations of the cardiovascular
Rahamim Seliktar, PhD (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow). Professor
Emeritus. Limb prostheses, biomechanics of human motion, orthopedic
Hun H. Sun, PhD (Cornell University). Professor Emeritus. Biological
control systems, physiological modeling, systems analysis.
Drexel University - (UG) The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems 13
Biomedical Engineering .......................................................................... 3
Biomedical Engineering BS / Biomedical Engineering MS ..................... 8
The School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems .... 2