Loretta J. Mester
What's the Point of Credit Scoring?
What’s the Point of Credit Scoring?
Loretta J. Mester*
When one banker asks another “What’s the
score?” shareholders needn’t worry that these
bankers are wasting time discussing the ball
game. More likely they’re doing their jobs and
discussing the credit score of one of their loan
applicants. Credit scoring is a statistical method
used to predict the probability that a loan ap-
plicant or existing borrower will default or be-
come delinquent. The method, introduced in
the 1950s, is now widely used for consumer
lending, especially credit cards, and is becom-
ing more commonly used in mortgage lend-
ing. It has not been widely applied in business
lending, but this, too, is changing. One reason
for the delay is that business loans typically
differ substantially across borrowers, making
it harder to develop an accurate method of scor-
ing. But the advent of new methodologies, en-
hanced computer power, and increased data
availability have helped to make such scoring
possible, and many banks are beginning to use
scoring to evaluate small-business loan appli-
*Loretta Mester is a vice president and economist in the
Research Department of the Philadelphia Fed. She is also
the head of the department's Banking and Financial Mar-
kets section.
Credit scoring is likely to change the nature
of small-business lending. It will make it less
necessary for a bank to have a presence, say,
via a branch, in the local market in which it
lends. This will change the relationship be-
tween the small-business borrower and his or
her lender. Credit scoring is already allowing
large banks to expand into small-business lend-
ing, a market in which they have tended to be
less active. Scoring is also an important step
in making the securitization of small-business
loans more feasible. The likely result would
be increased availability of funding to small
businesses, and at better terms, to the extent
that securitization allows better diversification
of risk.
Credit scoring is a method of evaluating the
credit risk of loan applications. Using histori-
cal data and statistical techniques, credit scor-
ing tries to isolate the effects of various appli-
cant characteristics on delinquencies and de-
faults. The method produces a “score” that a
bank can use to rank its loan applicants or bor-
rowers in terms of risk. To build a scoring
model, or “scorecard,” developers analyze his-
torical data on the performance of previously
made loans to determine which borrower char-
acteristics are useful in predicting whether the
loan performed well. A well-designed model
should give a higher percentage of high scores
to borrowers whose loans will perform well
and a higher percentage of low scores to bor-
rowers whose loans won’t perform well. But
no model is perfect, and some bad accounts
will receive higher scores than some good ac-
Information on borrowers is obtained from
their loan applications and from credit bureaus.
Data such as the applicant’s monthly income,
outstanding debt, financial assets, how long the
applicant has been in the same job, whether
the applicant has defaulted or was ever delin-
quent on a previous loan, whether the appli-
cant owns or rents a home, and the type of bank
account the applicant has are all potential fac-
tors that may relate to loan performance and
may end up being used in the scorecard.
gression analysis relating loan performance to
these variables is used to pick out which com-
bination of factors best predicts delinquency
or default, and how much weight should be
given to each of the factors. (See Scoring Meth-
ods for a brief overview of the statistical meth-
ods being used.) Given the correlations be-
tween the factors, it is quite possible some of
the factors the model developer begins with
won’t make it into the final model, since they
have little value added given the other vari-
ables in the model. Indeed, according to Fair,
Isaac and Company, Inc., a leading developer
of scoring models, 50 or 60 variables might be
considered when developing a typical model,
but eight to 12 might end up in the final
scorecard as yielding the most predictive com-
bination (Fair, Isaac). Anthony Saunders re-
ports that First Data Resources, on the other
hand, uses 48 factors to evaluate the probabil-
ity of credit card defaults.
In most (but not all) scoring systems, a
higher score indicates lower risk, and a lender
sets a cutoff score based on the amount of risk
it is willing to accept. Strictly adhering to the
model, the lender would approve applicants
with scores above the cutoff and deny appli-
cants with scores below (although many lend-
ers may take a closer look at applications near
the cutoff before making the final credit deci-
Even a good scoring system won’t predict
with certainty any individual loan’s perfor-
mance, but it should give a fairly accurate pre-
diction of the likelihood that a loan applicant
with certain characteristics will default. To
Some of the models used for mortgage applications also
take into account information about the property and the
loans, for example, the loan-to-value ratio, the loan type,
and real estate market conditions (DeZube).
Loretta J. Mester
What's the Point of Credit Scoring?
Scoring Methods
Several statistical methods are used to develop credit scoring systems, including linear probabil-
ity models, logit models, probit models, and discriminant analysis models. (Saunders discusses
these methods.) The first three are standard statistical techniques for estimating the probability of
default based on historical data on loan performance and characteristics of the borrower. These
techniques differ in that the linear probability model assumes there is a linear relationship between
the probability of default and the factors; the logit model assumes that the probability of default is
logistically distributed; and the probit model assumes that the probability of default has a (cumula-
tive) normal distribution. Discriminant analysis differs in that instead of estimating a borrower’s
probability of default, it divides borrowers into high and low default-risk classes.
Two newer methods beginning to be used in estimating default probabilities include options-
pricing theory models and neural networks. These methods have the potential to be more useful in
developing models for commercial loans, which tend to be more heterogeneous than consumer or
mortgage loans, making the traditional statistical methods harder to apply. Options-pricing theory
models start with the observation that a borrower’s limited liability is comparable to a put option
written on the borrower’s assets, with strike price equal to the value of the debt outstanding. If, in
some future period, the value of the borrower’s assets falls below the value of its outstanding debt,
the borrower may default. The models infer the probability a firm will default from an estimate of
the firm’s asset-price volatility, which is usually based on the observed volatility of the firm’s equity
prices (although, as McAllister and Mingo point out, it has not been empirically verified that short-
run volatility of stock prices is related to volatility of asset values in a predictable way. Saunders
discusses other assumptions of the options-pricing approach that are likely to be violated in certain
applications.) Saunders reports that KMV Corporation has developed a credit monitoring model
based on options-pricing theory.
Neural networks are artificial intelligence algorithms that allow for some learning through expe-
rience to discern the relationship between borrower characteristics and the probability of default
and to determine which characteristics are most important in predicting default. (See the articles by
D.K. Malhotra and coauthors and by Edward Altman and coauthors for further discussion.) This
method is more flexible than the standard statistical techniques, since no assumptions have to be
made about the functional form of the relationship between characteristics and default probability
or about the distributions of the variables or errors of the model, and correlations among the char-
acteristics are accounted for.
Some argue that neural networks show much promise in credit scoring for commercial loans,
but others have argued that the approach is more ad hoc than that of standard statistical methods.
(The article by Edward Altman and Anthony Saunders discusses the drawbacks.) A study by Ed-
ward Altman, Giancarlo Marco, and Franco Varetto analyzed over 1000 healthy, vulnerable, and
unsound Italian industrial firms from 1982-92 and found that performance models derived using
neural networks and those derived using the more standard statistical techniques yielded about the
same degree of accuracy. They concluded that neural networks were not clearly better than the
standard methods, but suggested using both types of methods in certain applications, especially
complex ones in which the flexibility of neural networks would be particularly valuable.
build a good scoring model, developers need
sufficient historical data, which reflect loan
performance in periods of both good and bad
economic conditions.
In the past, banks used credit reports, per-
Patrick McAllister and John Mingo estimate that to
develop a predictive model for commercial loans, some
20,000 to 30,000 applications would be needed.
sonal histories, and judgment to make credit
decisions. But over the past 25 years, credit
scoring has become widely used in issuing
credit cards and in other types of consumer
lending, such as auto loans and home equity
loans. The Federal Reserve’s November 1996
Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey of Bank
Lending Practices reported that 97 percent of
the responding banks that use credit scoring
in their credit card lending operations use it
for approving card applications and 82 percent
use it to determine from whom to solicit appli-
cations. About 20 percent said they used scor-
ing for either setting terms or adjusting terms
on their credit cards.
Scoring is also becoming more widely used
in mortgage origination. Both the Federal
Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie
Mac) and the Federal National Mortgage Cor-
poration (Fannie Mae) have encouraged mort-
gage lenders to use credit scoring, which
should encourage consistency across under-
writers. Freddie Mac sent a letter to its lend-
ers in July 1995 encouraging the use of credit
scoring in loans submitted for sale to the
agency. The agency suggested the scores could
be used to determine which mortgage appli-
cants should be given a closer look and that
the score could be overridden if the under-
writer determined the applicant was a good
credit risk. In a letter to its lenders in October
1995, Fannie Mae also reported it was depend-
ing more on credit scoring for assessing risk.
Both agencies have developed automatic un-
derwriting systems that incorporate scoring so
that lenders can determine whether a loan is
clearly eligible for sale to these agencies or
whether the lender has to certify that the loan
is of low enough risk to qualify (Avery and co-
Private mortgage insurance companies, such
as GE Capital Mortgage Corporation, are us-
ing scoring to help screen mortgage insurance
applications (Prakash, 1995). And it was re-
cently reported that four mortgage compa-
nies—Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corp., First
Nationwide, First Tennessee, and HomeSide—
are involved in a test of the use of credit scor-
ing models for assessing mortgage perfor-
mance, prepayments, collection, and foreclo-
sure patterns (Talley). This test is being con-
ducted by Mortgage Information Corp.
A growing number of banks are using credit
scoring models in their small-business lending
operations, most often for loans under
$100,000, although scoring is by no means uni-
versally used.
It has taken longer for scoring
to be adopted for business loans, since these
loans are less homogeneous than credit card
loans and other types of consumer loans and
also because the volume of this type of lending
is smaller, so there is less information with
which to build a model.
The first banks to use scoring for small-busi-
ness loans were larger banks that had enough
historical loan data to build a reliable model;
these banks include Hibernia Corporation,
Wells Fargo, BankAmerica, Citicorp,
NationsBank, Fleet, and Bank One.
BankAmerica’s model was developed based on
15,000 good and 15,000 bad loans, with face
values up to $50,000 (Oppenheim, 1996); Fleet
Financial Group uses scoring for loans under
$100,000 (Zuckerman). Bank One relies solely
on scores for loans up to $35,000 and approves
30 percent of its loans up to $1 million by
scorecard alone (Wantland). This spring, a re-
gional bank in Pennsylvania began basing its
lending decision for small-business loans up
A survey reported in the American Banker in May 1995
with responses from 150 U.S. banks indicated that only 8
percent of banks with up to $5 billion in assets used scoring
for small-business loans, while 23 percent of larger banks
did (Racine). The smaller banks were less inclined to adopt
scoring, citing small loan volumes. Fifty-five percent of
banks with more than $5 billion in assets reported they
planned to implement scoring in the next two years. In a
more recent survey of larger banks—the Federal Reserve’s
January 1997 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank
Lending Practices—70 percent of the respondents, that is,
38 banks, indicated that they use credit scoring in their
small-business lending, and 22 of these banks said that they
usually or always do so.
Loretta J. Mester
What's the Point of Credit Scoring?
to $35,000 exclusively on a credit score.
banks have loan officers review the decisions
based on credit scores: at First National Bank
of Chicago it’s been reported that about a quar-
ter of the small-business loan applications re-
jected by credit scoring are approved after re-
view, and an equal number that pass the scor-
ing model are rejected. First Union looks at
credit scores as a supplement to more tradi-
tional analyses of businesses’ financial state-
ments (Hansell).
Credit scoring is now available to lenders
who do not have sufficient volumes to build
their own small-business loan scoring models.
In March 1995, Fair, Isaac introduced its “Small
Business Scoring Service (SBSS),” a scoring
model that was developed with RMA, a trade
association of commercial lenders. The model
was built using five years’ worth of data on
small-business loans from 17 banks in the
United States, a sample of more than 5000 loan
applications from businesses with gross sales
of less than $5 million and loan face values up
to $250,000; banks provided data on good and
bad accounts and on declined applications, as
well as credit reports on at least two of a
business’s principals and on the business (Asch;
Hansell; and Neill and Danforth).
scorecards were created for loans under $35,000
and for loans between $35,000 and $250,000.
The models found that the most important in-
dicators of small-business loan performance
were characteristics of the business owner
rather than the business itself. For example,
the owner’s credit history was more predic-
tive than the net worth or profitability of the
business. While this might seem surprising at
first, it’s worth remembering that small busi-
nesses’ financial statements are less sophisti-
cated than those of larger businesses and that
the owners’ and businesses’ finances are often
commingled (Hansell). Other companies such
as CCN-MDS, Dun & Bradstreet, and Experian
(formerly TRW) are developing or already have
competitive products. These standardized
products make scoring available to lenders
with smaller loan volumes, but the models may
not be as predictive for these lenders to the
extent that their applicant pool differs from that
used to create the scorecard.
Despite its growing use for evaluating small-
business lending, credit scoring is not being
used to evaluate larger commercial loans.
While the loan performance of a small busi-
ness is closely related to the credit history of
its owners, this is much less likely to be the
case for larger businesses. Although some
models have been developed to estimate the
default probabilities of large firms, they have
been based on the performance of corporate
bonds of publicly traded companies. It is not
at all clear that these models would accurately
predict the default performance of bank loans
to these or other companies. (See McAllister
and Mingo for more discussion on this point.)
To develop a more accurate loan scoring model
for larger businesses, a necessary first step
would be the collection of a vast array of data
on many different types of businesses along
with the performance of loans made to these
businesses; the data would have to include a
large number of bad, as well as good, loans.
For its small-business loans between $35,000 and
$250,000, a lender makes the decision, but a credit score is
also calculated as a guideline. At this bank, a small-busi-
ness borrower is one with annual sales of $2 million or less.
A good account was defined as one that had not been
30 days delinquent more than twice during the first four
years of account history, while a bad account was one that
at least once had been 60 days or more delinquent (Asch).
In personal conversation, the manager of the small-busi-
ness lending department of a regional bank in Pennsylva-
nia reported that it was because of this concern that the bank
does not rely on the credit score from a standardized model
to make the approval decision for loans between $35,000 to
Since the typical default rate on business loans
is in the range of 1 percent to 3 percent annu-
ally, banks would have to pool their data. Such
data-collection efforts are currently under way.
But the fact that loans to large businesses vary
in so many dimensions will make the develop-
ment of a credit scoring model for these types
of loans very difficult.
Credit scoring has some obvious benefits
that have led to its increasing use in loan evalu-
ation. First, scoring greatly reduces the time
needed in the loan approval process. A study
by the Business Banking Board found that the
traditional loan approval process averages
about 12-1/2 hours per small-business loan,
and in the past, lenders have taken up to two
weeks to process a loan (Allen). Credit scoring
can reduce this time to well under an hour, al-
though the time savings will vary depending
on whether the bank adheres strictly to the
credit score cutoff or whether it reevaluates
applications with scores near the cutoff. For
example, Kevin Leonard’s study of a Canadian
bank found that the approval time for con-
sumer loan applications averaged nine days
before the bank started using scoring, but three
days after scoring had been in use for 18
months. Barnett Bank reports a decrease from
three or four weeks’ processing time for a
small-business loan application before scoring
to a few hours with scoring (Lawson).
This time savings means cost savings to the
bank and benefits the customer as well. Cus-
tomers need to provide only the information
used in the scoring system, so applications can
be shorter. And the scoring systems themselves
are not prohibitively expensive: the price per
loan of a commercially available credit scoring
model averages about $1.50 to $10 per loan,
depending on volume (Muolo). Even if a bank
does not want to depend solely on credit scor-
ing for making its credit decisions, scoring can
increase efficiency by allowing loan officers to
concentrate on the less clear-cut cases.
Another benefit of credit scoring is im-
proved objectivity in the loan approval process.
This objectivity helps lenders ensure they are
applying the same underwriting criteria to all
borrowers regardless of race, gender, or other
factors prohibited by law from being used in
credit decisions (see Credit Scoring and Regula-
tion B). Bank regulators require that the fac-
tors in a scoring model have some fundamen-
tal relationship with creditworthiness. Even if
a factor is not explicitly banned, if it has a dis-
parate impact on borrowers of a certain race
or gender or with respect to some other pro-
hibited characteristic, the lender needs to show
there is a business reason for using the factor
and there is no equally effective way of mak-
ing the credit decision that has less of a dispar-
ate impact. A credit scoring model makes it
easier for a lender to document the business
reason for using a factor that might have a dis-
proportionately negative effect on certain
groups of applicants protected by law from
discrimination. The weights in the model give
a measure of the relative strength of each
factor’s correlation with credit performance
Scoring is one part of an automated loan system, which
permits banks to offer loans over the phone or via direct
mail, so that a costly branch network can be avoided. It’s
worth mentioning, however, that the costs of a fully auto-
mated lending operation at a large bank could be quite high,
since reliability would be essential. As one lender has
pointed out, when an automated loan system goes down,
the bank’s lending operation is out of business. Hence,
backup systems are necessary.
Loan Pricing Corporation and several of its clients are
pooling their data on commercial loans so that in several
years there may be information on a sufficiently large num-
ber of good and bad loans to begin building a scoring model
for commercial loans to larger businesses (correspondence
from John Mingo, Board of Governors of the Federal Re-
serve System staff).
Loretta J. Mester
What's the Point of Credit Scoring?
But not everyone
agrees that the objectiv-
ity in scoring will benefit
minorities or low-in-
come individuals, who
may have had limited
access to credit in the
past. Some argue that
since these potential bor-
rowers are not well rep-
resented in the loan data
on which the scoring
models have been built,
the models are less accu-
rate predictors of their
loan performance. (See,
for example, the discus-
sion in “Mortgage Credit
Partnership Project:
1996-1997.”) This is a le-
gitimate concern. But it
need not be the case that
the models are less accu-
rate, since the factors and
their weights identified
in the model could also
be those that determine
creditworthiness of the
groups. One study by
Fair, Isaac indicated that
their scoring model for
installment loans was as
predictive for low- to
moderate-income loan
applicants as for the en-
tire sample of applicants,
although the low-income
subsample had lower scores. (With a cutoff
Credit Scoring and Regulation B
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (implemented by the Fed-
eral Reserve Board’s Regulation B) prohibits creditors from dis-
criminating in any aspect of a credit transaction because of an
applicant’s race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital
status, or age (provided the applicant has the capacity to contract),
because all or part of an applicant’s income derives from public
assistance, or because the applicant has in good faith exercised
any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act.
Scoring models cannot include information on race, gender, or
marital status. Recently, the Board amended its commentary on
Reg B to clarify the use of age in credit scoring models. Reg B
defines an “empirically derived, demonstrably and statistically
sound, credit scoring system” as one that is: (i) based on data that
are derived from an empirical comparison of sample groups or
the population of creditworthy and noncreditworthy applicants
who applied for credit within a reasonable preceding period of
time; (ii) developed for the purpose of evaluating the creditwor-
thiness of applicants with respect to the legitimate business inter-
est of the creditor; (iii) developed and validated using accepted
statistical principles and methodology; and (iv) periodically re-
evaluated by the use of appropriate statistical principles and meth-
odology and adjusted as necessary to maintain predictive ability.
Reg B classifies any other system as a judgmental system, and such
systems cannot use age directly as a predictive variable in the
model. However, if the model does qualify as an empirically de-
rived, demonstrably and statistically sound system, the Board has
determined that it can use age directly in the model as long as the
weight assigned to an applicant 62 years or older is not lower than
that assigned to any other age category. And if a system assigns
points to some other variable based on the applicant’s age, appli-
cants who are 62 years and older must receive at least the same
number of points as the most favored class of nonelderly appli-
cants. (Any system of evaluating creditworthiness may favor a
credit applicant aged 62 years or older.)
(given the other factors contained in the model).
Also, a well-built model will include all allow-
able factors that produce the most accurate pre-
diction of credit performance, so a lender us-
ing such a model might be able to argue that a
similarly effective alternative was not avail-
But banks that override the model for certain borrow-
ers need to be particularly careful in documenting the rea-
sons for the override to avoid violating fair lending laws.
Similarly, borrowers right at the margin of cutoff for ap-
proval must be handled carefully.
score of 200, the acceptance rate for low- to
moderate-income applicants was 46 percent,
while for higher income applicants it was 67
percent. See Fair, Isaac.)
Freddie Mac also
says its system, called Loan Prospector, is
equally predictive of loan performance, regard-
less of borrower race or income (Prakash, 1997).
The accuracy of the scoring systems for
underrepresented groups is still an open ques-
tion. Accuracy is a very important consider-
ation in using credit scoring. Even if the lender
can lower its costs of evaluating loan applica-
tions by using scoring, if the models are not
accurate, these cost savings would be eaten
away by poorly performing loans.
The accuracy of a credit scoring system will
depend on the care with which it is developed.
The data on which the system is based need to
be a rich sample of both well-performing and
poorly performing loans. The data should be
up to date, and the models should be reesti-
mated frequently to ensure that changes in the
relationships between potential factors and
loan performance are captured. If the bank
using scoring increases its applicant pool by
mass marketing, it must ensure that the new
pool of applicants behaves similarly to the pool
on which the model was built; otherwise, the
model may not accurately predict the behav-
ior of these new applicants. The use of credit
scoring itself may change a bank’s applicant
pool in unpredictable ways, since it changes
the cost of lending to certain types of borrow-
ers. Again, this change in applicant pool may
hurt the accuracy of a model that was built
using information from the past pool of appli-
Account should be taken not only of the
characteristics of borrowers who were granted
credit but also of those who were denied. Oth-
erwise, a “selection bias” in the loan approval
process could lead to bias in the estimated
weights in the scoring model.
A model’s ac-
curacy should be tested. A good model needs
to make accurate predictions in good economic
times and bad, so the data on which the model
is based should cover both expansions and re-
cessions. And the testing should be done us-
ing loan samples that were not used to develop
the model in the first place.
It is probably too soon to determine the ac-
curacy of small-business loan scoring models
because they are fairly new and we have not
been through an economic downturn since
their implementation. Studies of the mortgage
scoring systems suggest that they are fairly
accurate in predicting loan performance. In its
November 11, 1995, industry letter, Freddie
Mac reported some of its own research on the
predictive power of mortgage credit scores by
Fair, Isaac and CCN-MDS. The agency stud-
ied hundreds of thousands of Freddie Mac
loans originated over several years and selected
from a wide distribution of lenders, product
and loan types, and geographic areas; it found
a high correlation between the scores and loan
performance. The agency also had its under-
writers review thousands of loans and found
a strong correlation between the underwriters’
Fair, Isaac’s study used data on direct installment loan
applicants from July 1992 to December 1994. Low- and
moderate-income applicants were defined as those having
gross monthly incomes of less then $1750. By this defini-
tion, one-third of their sample and one-fifth to one-half of
the applicants of each of the individual lenders were
deemed low- to moderate-income applicants.
For example, suppose owning a home means a person
is less likely to default on a loan. Then if the majority of
applicants that a bank approves are home owners, the dis-
tribution of home ownership in the approved applicant pool
will differ from that in the total applicant pool. If this fact
is ignored in estimating the model, the model could not ac-
curately uncover the relationship between home ownership
and loan default. The model would show that home own-
ership is less predictive of good performance than it actu-
ally is.
Loretta J. Mester
What's the Point of Credit Scoring?
judgments and the Fair, Isaac credit scores.
Avery and coauthors also found that credit
scores based on the credit history of mortgage
applicants generally were predictive of mort-
gage loan performance.
Not all the news on accuracy is good, how-
ever. In the November 1996 Senior Loan Of-
ficer Opinion Survey, 56 percent of the 33 banks
that used credit scoring in their credit card op-
erations reported that their models failed to ac-
curately predict loan-quality problems by be-
ing too optimistic. The bankers attributed part
of the problem to a new willingness by con-
sumers to declare bankruptcy. This is a reason-
able supposition: this type of “regime shift” (to
a world in which there’s less stigma attached
to declaring bankruptcy) would not be picked
up in a scoring model if it was not reflected in
the historical data on which the model was
based. In response, 54 percent of the banks
have redefined or reestimated their models,
and 80 percent have raised the cutoff score an
applicant needs to qualify for credit.
It’s important to remember, though, that a
credit scoring model is not going to tell a lender
with certainty what the future performance of
an individual loan will be. When loan approval
decisions are based solely on credit scores,
some borrowers will be granted credit but will
ultimately default, which visibly hurts the
lender’s bottom line. Other borrowers won’t
be granted credit even though they would have
repaid, which, though less visible, also hurts
the lender’s profitability. No scoring model can
prevent these types of errors, but a good model
should be able to accurately predict the aver-
age performance of loans made to groups of
individuals who share similar values of the fac-
tors identified as being relevant to credit qual-
Many considered the well-publicized denial
of then Federal Reserve System Governor
Lawrence Lindsey’s application for a Toys ‘R’
Us credit card a failure of a credit scoring
model. But the denial does not necessarily
mean the model was faulty. The denial was
based on the fact that his credit report showed
too many voluntary credit bureau inquiries,
and research by Fair, Isaac shows that as a group,
applicants with seven to eight such inquiries
are three times riskier than the average appli-
cant and six times riskier than applicants with
no such inquiries (McCorkell).
The spread of credit scoring, especially its
growing use in small-business lending, should
lead to increased competition among provid-
ers of this type of credit and increased avail-
ability of credit for small businesses. Tradi-
tionally, lenders to small businesses have been
smaller banks that have had a physical pres-
ence, usually in the form of a branch, in the
Avery and coauthors examined data from Equifax on
all mortgages that were outstanding and whose payments
were current as of September 1994 at three of the largest
lenders in the United States. Each loan had a mortgage
credit history score and measures of performance over the
subsequent 12 months, to September 1995. For each loan
type (conventional fixed rate, conventional variable rate,
or government-backed fixed rate), regardless of seasoning
status (newly originated or seasoned), borrowers with low
scores had substantially higher delinquency rates than those
with medium or higher scores, although most borrowers
with low scores were not delinquent. They also examined
data from Freddie Mac on loans for single-family owner-
occupied properties purchased by Freddie Mac in the first
six months of 1994, which showed that borrowers with low
scores had higher foreclosure rates (by the end of 1995), and
that loans with both low credit scores and higher loan-to-
value ratios had particularly high foreclosure rates. In ad-
dition, credit scores were much stronger predictors of fore-
closure than was income.
A credit bureau inquiry refers to an inquiry into
someone’s credit history at a credit bureau. A so-called
voluntary inquiry is initiated when a person seeks credit.
An involuntary inquiry can occur without a person’s knowl-
edge as part of a routine review of existing accounts or a
prescreening for a promotional mailing, for example.
borrower’s neighborhood. The local presence
gives the banker a good knowledge of the area,
which is thought to be useful in the credit de-
cision. Small businesses are likely to have de-
posit accounts at the small bank in town, and
the information the bank can gain by observ-
ing the firm’s cash flows can give the bank an
information advantage in lending to these busi-
nesses. (Leonard Nakamura’s article discusses
the advantages small banks have had in small-
business lending.)
However, credit scoring is changing the way
banks make small-business loans, and large
banks are entering the market using credit scor-
ing and processing applications using auto-
mated and centralized systems. These banks
are able to generate large volumes of small-
business loans even in areas where they do not
have extensive branch networks. Applications
are being accepted over the phone, and some
banks are soliciting customers via direct mail,
as credit card lenders do. For example, Wells
Fargo uses centralized processing for loans
under $100,000, soliciting these loans nation-
wide, and uses credit scores not only in the
approval process but also for loan pricing. For
loans over $100,000, it still uses traditional un-
derwriting, soliciting in areas where it has
branches (Zuckerman).
Out west, in the 12th Federal Reserve Dis-
trict, the largest banks have increased their
commercial loans of less than $100,000 and
have taken market share from smaller banks,
while they have reduced their commercial
loans in the $100,000 to $1 million size range,
which are less easy to automate (Levonian).
Many of the larger banks are finding that auto-
mated small-business lending allows them to
profitably make loans of a smaller size than
they could using traditional methods. For ex-
ample, at Hibernia Corp., the break-even loan
size was about $200,000 before automation, but
now Hibernia has a large portfolio of loans
under $50,000 (Zuckerman). At Wells Fargo,
the average size of a small-business loan is
$18,242 (Oppenheim, January 1997).
This spring, a regional bank in Pennsylva-
nia planned to solicit small-business loan ap-
plications with a direct mail campaign to 50,000
current and prospective customers who will be
prescreened using the bank’s scoring model.
The bank will exclude certain lines of business
and businesses less than three years old. A
simple application form will be used, with no
financial statements required, and loans up to
$35,000 will be approved based solely on the
credit score. Also this spring, PNC Bank Corp.
opened an automated loan center in suburban
Philadelphia through which it plans to process
25,000 small-business loan applications from
across the nation in the next year. While much
of the application process is automated and
credit scores are used, a lender makes the final
approval decision on a loan application
(Oppenheim, May 1997).
For many creditworthy small-business bor-
rowers, the entry of the larger banks into the
market means more potential sources for credit.
Some banks have found they’ve been able to
extend more loans under credit scoring than
under their judgmental credit approval sys-
tems without increasing their default rates
(Asch). Credit scoring may also encourage
more lending because it gives banks a tool for
more accurately pricing risk.
However, the
relationship that a borrower has with its large
Mark Levonian reports that between June 1995 and
June 1996, the largest banks in the 12th District increased
their holdings of loans under $100,000 by over 26 percent,
while other banks increased their holdings of these loans
by a little over 3 percent. (These figures are adjusted for
bank mergers.)
Banks that use scoring to develop risk-related loan
pricing need to keep in mind fair lending rules and should
avoid selectively overriding the model for some borrowers
and not others.
Loretta J. Mester
What's the Point of Credit Scoring?
creditor is likely to be very different from the
one it has traditionally had with its small bank.
The typical bank-borrower relationship, which
is built up over years of lending, allows for
substantial flexibility in loan terms. A long-
term relationship allows the bank to offer con-
cessionary rates to a borrower facing tempo-
rary credit problems, which the bank can later
make up for when the firm returns to health.
(Mitchell Berlin’s article discusses relationship
But automated small-business loans are
likely to be more like credit card loans than tra-
ditional business loans, with the terms being
less flexible and set to maximize a bank’s prof-
its period-by-period rather than over the life
of a relationship. Monitoring these borrowers
would likely be more expensive for the bank,
since the borrowers may come from outside
the bank’s traditional lending markets. This
would tend to make the bank less flexible on
its loan terms. Small businesses that value the
flexibility of the traditional relationship loan
will have to seek banks that make loans on this
basis, most likely smaller banks, as has been
the case in the past. These smaller banks will
maintain their advantage over larger banks in
monitoring loans, since they have a good
knowledge of the local markets in which they
and their borrowers operate. Businesses that
find it hard to qualify for loans based solely on
their credit scores but that, nevertheless, are
creditworthy on closer inspection will need to
seek funding from these relationship lenders
as well.
Another way credit scoring may encourage
lending to small businesses is by making
securitization of these loans more feasible.
Securitization involves pooling together a
group of loans and then using the cash flows
of the loan pool to back publicly traded securi-
ties; the loans in the pool serve as collateral for
the securities. The loan pool will typically have
more predictable cash flows than any indi-
vidual loan, since the failure of one borrower
to make a payment can be offset by another
borrower who does make a payment. The ex-
pected cash flows from the loan pool determine
the prices of the securities, which are sold to
investors. Securitization can reduce the costs
of bank lending, since typically the loan pool
is moved off the bank’s books to a third-party
trustee so that the bank need not hold capital
against the loans and the securities provide
what is often a cheaper source of funding than
deposits. (See Christine Pavel’s article for an
overview of securitization.)
Securitization has occurred with mortgage
loans, credit card receivables, and auto loans,
all of which tend to be homogeneous with re-
gard to collateral, the loan terms, and the un-
derwriting standards used. This homogeneity
is important, since a crucial aspect of
securitization is being able to accurately pre-
dict the cash flows from the pool of loans so
that the securities can be accurately priced.
There have not been many securitizations of
small-business loans, partly because of their
heterogeneous nature.
But credit scoring will
tend to standardize these loans and make de-
fault risk more predictable, steps that should
make securitization more feasible.
As was
true in the mortgage market, securitization
would probably lead to an increase in small-
In his 1995 article, Ron Feldman indicates that less than
$900 million in small-business loans had been securitized,
while $155 billion of these types of loans were outstanding
at year-end 1994. He also provides descriptions of some of
these securitizations.
The difficulty that the borrower’s option to prepay a
mortgage poses for pricing mortgaged-backed securities is
not an issue for small-business loan securitizations, since
small-business loans have short maturities. For example,
the November 1996 Survey of Terms of Bank Lending indi-
cated that 85 percent of loans made in the survey period
either had no stated maturity or a stated maturity of less
than one year. The average maturity, weighted by loan size,
of loans with stated maturities of longer than one day but
less than a year was 64 days (Federal Reserve Bulletin).
business lending, with nonbank lenders play-
ing a larger role. The market would become
more liquid, since unlike loans, the securities
are easily bought and sold; thus, diversifica-
tion would be easier to achieve. Since diversi-
fication lowers risk, loan rates could be lower.
Widespread securitizations of small-busi-
ness loans are still in the future. But credit scor-
ing is increasingly being used to evaluate small-
business loan applications, something that was
not widely anticipated a decade ago. Credit
scoring will never be able to predict with cer-
tainty the performance of an individual loan,
but it does provide a method of quantifying
the relative risks of different groups of borrow-
ers. Scoring has the potential to be one of the
factors that change small-business banking as
we know it.
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Loretta J. Mester
What's the Point of Credit Scoring?
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BIBLIOGRAPHY (continued)
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Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices, Federal Reserve System, November
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Talley, Karen. “Four-Lender Test Could Advance the Status of Credit Scoring,” American Banker
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Wantland, Robin. “Best Practices in Small Business Lending for Any Delivery System,” Journal of
Lending and Credit Risk Management (December 1996), p. 16-25.
Zuckerman, Sam. “Taking Small Business Competition Nationwide,” US Banker (August 1996), pp.
24-28, 72.